H. Deichsel

�ber die Abh�ngigkeit des Polarisationsgrades vom Streuwinkel bei Mott-Streuung langsamer Elektronen

The angular dependence of polarizationP(Θ) of electrons elastically scattered by a beam of mercury atoms is measured in a double scattering experiment for electron energies of 0,9; 1,2; and 1,5 keV. The results are compared with theory and found to be in good agreement. Maximum degree of polarization measured isP=0,53±0,10 (electron current 10−12A).

research product

Zur Energieverteilung der Sekund�relektronen aus Isolatoren

The energy spectrum of secondary electrons from insulators has been measured using primary electrons of a beam density of 10−13 to 10−14 A/cm2 and detecting single secondaries by an Allen-type multiplier.

research product

Herstellung und Nachweis polarisierter Elektronenstrahlen durch zweimalige Streuung von Gl�helektronen kleiner Energie (1?2 keV) an Hg-Atomstrahlen

Beams of electrons of low energy (1 to 2 keV) are elastically scattered twice by atomic beams of mercury. A maximum intensity asymmetry of 200δ=31±5 was observed for double 90° scattering of 1500 eV electrons.

research product

Neue Ergebnisse zur Polarisation langsamer Elektronen (0,5 bis 1,5 keV) durch elastische Streuung an freien Hg-Atomen

research product

Elektronenpolarisation im Energiebereich unterhalb 50 eV durch Streuung an freien Hg-Atomen

The angular dependence of spin polarizationP(Θ) of electrons elastically scattered by a beam of mercury atoms is measured in a double scattering experiment for electron energies of 45±1 eV; 23±1 eV; 7±1 eV; and 3,5±1 eV. Maximum degree of polarization obtained isP(100°)=0,39±0,07; electron energy 7±1 eV; electron current 10−12–10−11 A.

research product