Amelia Simó

Clustering of spatial point patterns

Spatial point patterns arise as the natural sampling information in many problems. An ophthalmologic problem gave rise to the problem of detecting clusters of point patterns. A set of human corneal endothelium images is given. Each image is described by using a point pattern, the cell centroids. The main problem is to find groups of images corresponding with groups of spatial point patterns. This is interesting from a descriptive point of view and for clinical purposes. A new image can be compared with prototypes of each group and finally evaluated by the physician. Usual descriptors of spatial point patterns such as the empty-space function, the nearest distribution function or Ripley's K-…

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Towards a mean body for apparel design

This paper focuses on shape average with applications to the apparel industry. Apparel industry uses a consensus sizing system; its major concern is to fit most of the population into it. Since anthropometric measures do not grow linearly, it is important to find prototypes to accurately represent each size. This is done using random compact mean sets, obtained from a cloud of 3D points given by a scanner and applying to the sample a previous definition of mean set. Additionally, two approaches to define confidence sets are introduced. The methodology is applied to data obtained from a real anthropometric survey. This paper has been partially supported by the following grants: TIN2009-14392…

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Macular edema computer-aided evaluation in ocular vein occlusions.

This paper is concerned with the use of digital fundus imaging to detect, quantify, and follow up macular angiographic leakage due to retinal vein occlusions. Images were matched automatically. We detected those pixels with a high increment in gray level within the closest area to the foveal center. Binary images displaying leakage were obtained. The procedure was checked against two observers' agreement. Twenty-one angiographic studies were collected. Two images of each sequence were selected for digitalization. Numerical descriptors of the leakage were proposed and quantification plots were designed for each pair of images. Interobserver concordance ranged between 82 and 98% when manually…

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Resuming Shapes with Applications

Many image processing tasks need some kind of average of different shapes. Frequently, different shapes obtained from several images have to be summarized. If these shapes can be considered as different realizations of a given random compact set, then the natural summaries are the different mean sets proposed in the literature. In this paper, new mean sets are defined by using the basic transformations of Mathematical Morphology (dilation, erosion, opening and closing). These new definitions can be considered, under some additional assumptions, as particular cases of the distance average of Baddeley and Molchanov. The use of the former and new mean sets as summary descriptors of shapes is i…

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Bayesian estimation of edge orientations in junctions

Abstract Junctions, defined as those points of an image where two or more edges meet, play a significant role in many computer vision applications. Junction detection is a widely treated problem, and some detectors can provide even the directions of the edges that meet in a junction. The main objective of this paper is the precise estimation of such directions. It is supposed that the junction point has been previously found by some detector. Also, it is assumed that samples, possibly noisy, of orientations of the edges found in a circular window surrounding the point are available. A mixture of von Mises distributions is assumed for these data, and then a Bayesian methodology is applied to…

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Stochastic labelling of biological images

Many hypotheses made by experimental researchers can be formulated as a stochastic labelling of a given image. Some stochastic labelling methods for random closed sets are proposed in this paper. Molchanov (I. Molchanov, 1984, Theor. Probability and Math. Statist.29, 113–119) provided the probabilistic background for this problem. However, there is a lack of specific labelling models. Ayala and Simo (G. Ayala and A. Simo, 1995, Advances in Applied Probability27, 293–305) proposed a method in which, given the whole set of connected components, every component is classified in a certain phase or category in a completely random way. Alternative methods are necessary in case the random labellin…

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Modeling of female human body shapes for apparel design based on cross mean sets

This paper is concerned with a method to build prototypes of human bodies that can be used for apparel design. One of the most important issues in the apparel development process is to define a sizing system to provide a good fitting for the majority of the population. Since anthropometric measures do not present the same linear growth with size in each dimension, it is very important to find a prototype that represents as accurately as possible each class in the sizing system. In this paper we propose a method based on the concept of random compact mean set to define prototypes in apparel design. From a cloud of 3D points obtained with a 3D scanner a solid that represents the human body is…

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Apparel sizing using trimmed PAM and OWA operators

This paper is concerned with apparel sizing system design. One of the most important issues in the apparel development process is to define a sizing system that provides a good fit to the majority of the population. A sizing system classifies a specific population into homogeneous subgroups based on some key body dimensions. Standard sizing systems range linearly from very small to very large. However, anthropometric measures do not grow linearly with size, so they can not accommodate all body types. It is important to determine each class in the sizing system based on a real prototype that is as representative as possible of each class. In this paper we propose a methodology to develop an …

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Irregular motion recovery in fluorescein angiograms

Abstract Fluorescein angiography is a common procedure in ophthalmic practice, mainly to evaluate vascular retinopathies and choroidopathies from sequences of ocular fundus images. In order to compare the images, a reliable overlying is essential. This paper proposes some methods for the recovery of irregular motion in fluorescein angiograms (FA). The overlying is done by a three step procedure: detection of relevant points, matching points from different images and estimation of the assumed linear geometric transformation. A stochastic model (closely related to the general linear model) allows to fuse the second and third steps. Two different estimators of the geometric transformation are …

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