Juan J. Pérez-solano

Psychoacoustic Annoyance Implementation With Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks for Monitoring in Smart Cities

Soundscape standard (ISO 12913) is mainly oriented to describe the psychoacoustic annoyance (PA) due to the perceived sound in different environments. The evaluation of this annoyance is commonly based on the Zwicker and Fastl model that defines several components related to this subjective annoyance, such as loudness, sharpness, roughness, and fluctuation strength. But due to their complexity, these components are difficult to be calculated on small board computers (SBCs) in real time in order to enable a wireless acoustic sensor network for PA monitoring. In this article, we describe the necessary procedures to implement the complete psychoacoustic model by Zwicker and Fastl in a precise …

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Experimental trade-offs between different strategies for multihop communications evaluated over real deployments of wireless sensor network for environmental monitoring

Although much work has been done since wireless sensor networks appeared, there is not a great deal of information available on real deployments that incorporate basic features associated with these networks, in particular multihop routing and long lifetimes features. In this article, an environmental monitoring application (Internet of Things oriented) is described, where temperature and relative humidity samples are taken by each mote at a rate of 2 samples/min and sent to a sink using multihop routing. Our goal is to analyse the different strategies to gather the information from the different motes in this context. The trade-offs between ‘sending always’ and ‘buffering locally’ approac…

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Adaptive time window linear regression algorithm for accurate time synchronization in wireless sensor networks

In this article we propose a new algorithm for time synchronization in wireless sensor networks. The algorithm is based on linear regression to achieve long-term synchronization between the clocks of different network motes. Since motes are built using low-cost hardware components, usually their internal local clocks are not very accurate. In addition, there are other effects that affect the clock precision, such as: environmental conditions, supply voltage, aging, manufacturing process. Because some of these causes are external and unpredictable, the clock drift between two motes can change in a random way. Due to these changes, the optimum time window used for performing the linear regres…

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Simultaneous ranging and self-positioning in unsynchronized wireless acoustic sensor networks

Automatic ranging and self-positioning is a very desirable property in wireless acoustic sensor networks, where nodes have at least one microphone and one loudspeaker. However, due to environmental noise, interference, and multipath effects, audio-based ranging is a challenging task. This paper presents a fast ranging and positioning strategy that makes use of the correlation properties of pseudonoise sequences for estimating simultaneously relative time-of-arrivals from multiple acoustic nodes. To this end, a proper test signal design adapted to the acoustic node transducers is proposed. In addition, a novel self-interference reduction method and a peak matching algorithm are introduced, a…

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Communication cost of channel estimation interpolation for group-based vehicular communications in cellular networks

Las comunicaciones inalámbricas para aplicaciones vehiculares en sistemas celulares de quinta generación (5G) deben ser de baja latencia y alta fiabilidad. Entre otros factores, la cantidad de información de control que debe intercambiarse entre cada vehículo y la estación base puede penalizar la latencia de la comunicación. Varios casos de uso vehicular 5G implican comunicaciones dentro de grupos de vehículos, por ejemplo el pelotón de vehículos. Este trabajo se centra en explotar la estructura y características de este servicio vehicular particular basado en grupos para disminuir el intercambio de información de control relacionado con la etapa de estimación del canal necesaria para las c…

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Practical Considerations in the Implementation of Collaborative Beamforming on Wireless Sensor Networks

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are composed of spatially distributed autonomous sensor devices, named motes. These motes have their own power supply, processing unit, sensors and wireless communications However with many constraints, such as limited energy, bandwidth and computational capabilities. In these networks, at least one mote called a sink, acts as a gateway to connect with other networks. These sensor networks run monitoring applications and then the data gathered by these motes needs to be retrieved by the sink. When this sink is located in the far field, there have been many proposals in the literature based on Collaborative Beamforming (CB), also known as Distributed or Cooper…

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A method for modeling the battery state of charge in wireless sensor networks

In this paper we propose a method for obtaining an analytic model of the battery State-of-Charge (SoC) in wireless sensor nodes. The objective is to find simple models that can be used to estimate accurately the real battery state and consequently the node lifetime. Running the model in the network nodes, we can provide the motes with the required information to implement applications that can be considered as battery-aware. The proposed methodology reduces the computational complexity of the model avoiding complicated electrochemical simulations and treating the battery as an unknown system with an output that can be predicted using simple mathematical models. At a first stage, during a se…

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Wireless Internet. 8th International Conference, WICON 2014, Lisbon, Portugal, November 13-14, 2014, Revised Selected Papers

In this paper, the influence and improvement of the localization accuracy achieved using a fingerprint database with information coming from different channels and radio signal strength levels is evaluated. This study uses IEEE 802.15.4 networks with different power levels and carrier frequency channels in the 2.4 GHz band. Experimental results show that selecting part of this information with a cleverer data processing can provide similar or better localization accuracy than using the whole database.

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Near field improvements of stochastic collaborative beamforming in wireless sensor networks

Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are groups of small devices that contain a microcontroller in which a large number of sensors can be added. They transmit data and communicate to each other in the ISM band, standard IEEE 802.15.4, exchanging packets using a multi-hop routing. These devices are named motes and are nodes of the WSN. They are very simple and easy to program, powered by batteries of 1.5Volts (AA and AAA). The nodes are autonomous elements that can be deployed implementing any type of network. In a typical deployment the nodes communicate with each other and with a master node or Base Station (BS), which in turn transmits the information to an external server, which collects the e…

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Method for measuring internal resistance of batteries in WSN

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Time synchronization enhancements in wireless networks with ultra wide band communications

The emergence of low cost Ultra Wide Band (UWB) transceivers has enabled the implementation of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) based on this communication technology. These networks are composed of distributed autonomous low cost nodes (also known as motes) with their own processing unit, memory and communications. Usually these nodes are power-limited and due to the poor performance and quality of their clocks, time synchronization is in the order of milliseconds and in some specific scenarios till microseconds. The integration of commercial UWB transceivers in these nodes can improve the synchronization accuracy. In particular, we focus on WSN nodes based on off-the-shelf commercial produc…

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Cumulative-Sum-Based Localization of Sound Events in Low-Cost Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks

Wireless acoustic sensor networks (WASNs) are known for their potential applications in multiple areas, such as audio-based surveillance, binaural hearing aids or advanced acoustic monitoring. The knowledge of the spatial position of a source of interest is usually a requirement for many of these applications. Therefore, source localization is an important problem to be addressed in WASNs. Unfortunately, most localization algorithms need costly signal processing stages that prevent them from being implemented in low-cost sensor networks, requiring additional modules for signal acquisition and processing. This paper presents a low-complexity method for acoustic event detection and localizati…

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Stochastic Collaborative Beamforming in Wireless Sensor Networks

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are composed of spatially distributed autonomous sensor devices, named motes. These devices are constituted by a microcontroller, sensors, and they have the ability to communicate in the ISM frequency band using the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. They have their own power supply, AA or AAA batteries, processing unit, sensors and wireless communications. Usually, the motes exchange packets using a multihop routing, and the maximum communication distance emitter-receiver is around 100m. At least one mote acts as a gateway, and the data gathered by the sensors of each mote have to be sent to this mote that is named sink or Base Station (BS). In a WSN the BS is within t…

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Indoor localization using time difference of arrival with UWB signals and unsynchronized devices

Abstract Indoor location using radio frequency (RF) signals has been traditionally focused mainly on RSSI and fingerprint techniques, because methods based on time of arrival (ToA) or time difference of arrival (TDoA) were not suitable for measuring short distances. However, the release of the IEEE 802.15.4a standard, the emergence of commercial ultra wide band (UWB) transceivers that are compliant to this norm and the integration of high frequency oscillators have permitted the design of more accurate indoor localization systems using the RF signal transmission time. In this paper, we propose an indoor localization system based on TDoA for UWB. The method implements an only one way transmi…

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Designing an open source maintenance-free Environmental Monitoring Application for Wireless Sensor Networks

We discuss the analysis and design of an Environmental Monitoring Application.The application is reliable and maintenance-free, runs in multihop wireless network.We analyze the different alternatives and tradeoffs, using open source software.The application is validated in long-term outdoor deployments with good results.Related work does not analyze the software design with open source. We discuss the entire process for the analysis and design of an Environmental Monitoring Application for Wireless Sensor Networks, using existing open source components to create the application. We provide a thorough study of the different alternatives, from the selection of the embedded operating system to…

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Web Tool for Path Analysis in Wireless Sensor Networks to Improve Their Performance

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are based on tiny autonomous devices, usually named motes or nodes, and are used in many monitoring applications, such as environment, habitat, precision horticulture, etc. These motes are power-limited and most energy is wasted through the communication process when exchanging data packets. Because these motes are quite simple, with low power transmission and simple antennas, these networks usually run multihop routing protocols in order to forward packets between one mote to the sink, or the collector node, using the other motes as relaying motes. Basically, these routing protocols try to find out new routes within these wireless network, optimizing differe…

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Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Urban Acoustic Environments with Binaural Psycho-Acoustical Considerations for IoT-Based Applications

Sound pleasantness or annoyance perceived in urban soundscapes is a major concern in environmental acoustics. Binaural psychoacoustic parameters are helpful to describe generic acoustic environments, as it is stated within the ISO 12913 framework. In this paper, the application of a Wireless Acoustic Sensor Network (WASN) to evaluate the spatial distribution and the evolution of urban acoustic environments is described. Two experiments are presented using an indoor and an outdoor deployment of a WASN with several nodes using an Internet of Things (IoT) environment to collect audio data and calculate meaningful parameters such as the sound pressure level, binaural loudness and binaural sharp…

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Application of Radio Environment Map Reconstruction Techniques to Platoon-based Cellular V2X Communications

Vehicle platoons involve groups of vehicles travelling together at a constant inter-vehicle distance, with different common benefits such as increasing road efficiency and fuel saving. Vehicle platooning requires highly reliable wireless communications to keep the group structure and carry out coordinated maneuvers in a safe manner. Focusing on infrastructure-assisted cellular vehicle to anything (V2X) communications, the amount of control information to be exchanged between each platoon vehicle and the base station is a critical factor affecting the communication latency. This paper exploits the particular structure and characteristics of platooning to decrease the control information exch…

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Optimizing the MAC Protocol in Localization Systems Based on IEEE 802.15.4 Networks

Radio frequency signals are commonly used in the development of indoor localization systems. The infrastructure of these systems includes some beacons placed at known positions that exchange radio packets with users to be located. When the system is implemented using wireless sensor networks, the wireless transceivers integrated in the network motes are usually based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. But, the CSMA-CA, which is the basis for the medium access protocols in this category of communication systems, is not suitable when several users want to exchange bursts of radio packets with the same beacon to acquire the radio signal strength indicator (RSSI) values needed in the location proce…

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RF-Based Location Using Interpolation Functions to Reduce Fingerprint Mapping

Indoor RF-based localization using fingerprint mapping requires an initial training step, which represents a time consuming process. This location methodology needs a database conformed with RSSI (Radio Signal Strength Indicator) measures from the communication transceivers taken at specific locations within the localization area. But, the real world localization environment is dynamic and it is necessary to rebuild the fingerprint database when some environmental changes are made. This paper explores the use of different interpolation functions to complete the fingerprint mapping needed to achieve the sought accuracy, thereby reducing the effort in the training step. Also, different distri…

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On the Design of Probe Signals in Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks Self-Positioning Algorithms

A wireless acoustic sensor network comprises a distributed group of devices equipped with audio transducers. Typically, these devices can interoperate with each other using wireless links and perform collaborative audio signal processing. Ranging and self-positioning of the network nodes are examples of tasks that can be carried out collaboratively using acoustic signals. However, the environmental conditions can distort the emitted signals and complicate the ranging process. In this context, the selection of proper acoustic signals can facilitate the attainment of this goal and improve the localization accuracy. This letter deals with the design and evaluation of acoustic probe signals all…

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Predicting the Batteries' State of Health in Wireless Sensor Networks Applications

[EN] The lifetime of wireless sensor networks deployments depends strongly on the nodes battery state of health (SoH). It is important to detect promptly those motes whose batteries are affected and degraded by ageing, environmental conditions, failures, etc. There are several parameters that can provide significant information of the battery SoH, such as the number of charge/discharge cycles, the internal resistance, voltage, drained current, temperature, etc. The combination of these parameters can be used to generate analytical models capable of predicting the battery SoH. The generation of these models needs a previous process to collect dense data traces with sampled values of the batt…

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Low-Cost Alternatives for Urban Noise Nuisance Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks

Noise pollution caused by vehicular traffic is a common problem in urban environments that has been shown to affect people's health and children's cognition. In the last decade, several studies have been conducted to assess this noise, by measuring the equivalent noise pressure level (called L eq ) to acquire an accurate sound map using wireless networks with acoustic sensors. However, even with similar values of L eq , people can feel the noise differently according to its frequency characteristics. Thus, indexes, which can express people's feelings by subjective measures, are required. In this paper, we analyze the suitability of using the psychoacoustic metrics given by the Zwicker's mod…

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