Rudolf Frey
Medical Attendance in Air Transportation of Patients
SummaryAir transportation missions of seriously ill or injured patients are subdivided into rescue missions and medical evacuation missions. In 1981, for rescue missions, 29 stationed rescue helicopters were available with an operation radius of 50 km. Their task consisted of securing the primary care for vital risk patients as soon as possible. Medical evacuation missions were realized by helicopter, ambulance aircraft, and airliner. Before take-off a medical briefing was held to diminish the transport-trauma. Patients with cardiopulmonary insufficiency are at risk as simultaneous appearance of acceleration, climbing rate, falling cabin pressure and emotional stress may produce serious com…
Anesthesia for Victims of the Earthquake in Iran 1978
Anesthesia in disaster medicine, especially as practiced in developing countries, is fundamentally different from the anesthesia that is practiced during normal situations. Anesthetic procedures suitable for disaster situations must often take place under minimal conditions of instrumental availability and in a setting of less than modern technology. Such conditions, of course, limit the use of inhalatory anesthetics.The key factor present in disaster situations is the disturbed relationship between the number of injured, on the one hand, and the available resources to treat them, on the other. This includes medical personnel—both professional and para-professional. This has been substantia…
Anaesthesia in Central Europe.
Life Saving Potentials in Mass Emergencies
The dangers of mass emergencies are greater today than ever before in the history of man. The reasons are:1) The exponential growth of the world population from 2 billion in 1925 to 4 billion today and to an expected 8 billion in the year 2025. This growing population is badly in need of more and more food and energy to sustain itself.2) The increasingly severe competition world-wide for the available supplies of food and energy will precipitate mass emergencies and even mass disasters. Some of these mass disasters, such as nuclear war, have the potential to destroy entire countries…or even the human race itself.No matter how gloomy the outlook is, however, it is still the task of the medic…
Acupuncture: its neurophysiological basis: an anaesthetist's foreword.
Possibilities and necessities of parenteral nutrition with amino acid mixtures.
In recent years, there have been conclusive findings in the field of maintaining homeostasis following trauma, bleeding, nutritional and metabolic disturbances and infections. These findings can help save the lives of an increasing number of injured and sick by enlarging the therapeutic possibilities which have previously been unimaginable. This development has been made possible by the good cooperation of both basic research and clinical staff whose common aim was to achieve advances in this field of intensive care. The aim of the present study is to make a relevant theoretical and practical contribution to the widening possibilities and necessities in this field.