Javier Gómez-ferri
Prospects for the return of Spanish scientists in the United Kingdom during the Great Recession
The economic crisis that began in 2008 caused an increase in skilled Spanish emigration, including scientists, many of whom settled in the United Kingdom. The objective of this article is to analys...
Measuring dissatisfaction with coauthorship: An empirical approach based on the researchers’ perception
Abstract Increasing levels of collaboration constitute one of the characteristics of science. However, the knowledge production system is based on a fundamental discordance: on the one hand, it is cooperative in nature, with links articulated through coauthorships, and on the other, the systems for assigning merit and distributing rewards function on an individual scale. This contradiction can give rise to dysfunction and inappropriate practices. This study analyses researchers’ perceptions about the problems associated with authorship in scientific publications. We make use of a coauthorship dissatisfaction index that measures the degree of dissatisfaction with the author order on the byli…
Patrones y estrategias en la colaboración científica: la percepción de los investigadores
La colaboración constituye una práctica generalizada en las actividades de investigación, cuyas características e implicaciones se han analizado generalmente a partir de las coautorías de las publicaciones científicas. Con el objeto de profundizar en el conocimiento de este fenómeno, se ha administrado un cuestionario a una muestra de 3070 investigadores de las universidades de la Comunidad Valenciana (España), analizando por ramas de conocimiento (Artes y Humanidades, Ciencias, Ciencias de la Salud, Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas e Ingeniería y Arquitectura), categorías académicas y sexo, cómo se establecen los contactos entre los investigadores (pre-colaboración), el desarrollo de la colab…
Public communication of emerging sciences and technologies. Problems and challenges in the case of nanotechnology
This work deals with public understanding of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Concerns about public attitudes towards both, including a lack of knowledge on the part of the general public, have lead scholars in a number of countries to conduct early studies on the social perceptions of these fields. However, this has not been the case in Spain or Latin America, where studies on the popularisation and public understanding of nanotechnology are almost non-existent. This work has a double aim. First, it seeks to contextualise and explain the Spanish situation in this regard. Second, it aims to communicate the results of a Delphi study involving nanotechnology experts (n=38) and designed to fill…