Stern-Gerlach splitting of low-energy ion beams
We present a feasibility study with several magnetic field configurations for creating spin-dependent forces that can split a low-energy ion beam by the Stern-Gerlach effect. To the best of our knowledge, coherent spin-splittings of charged particles have yet to be realised. Our proposal is based on ion source parameters taken from a recent experiment that demonstrated single-ion implantation from a high-brightness ion source combined with a radio-frequency Paul trap. The inhomogeneous magnetic fields can be created by permanently magnetised microstructures or from current-carrying wires with sizes in the micron range, such as those recently used in a successful implementation of the Stern-…
Strategies for Heading Off is Project Failure
Although investment in information technology and information systems continues to increase, projects continue to fail. As a result, IS projects, particularly software projects, are perceived as high risk. By categorizing types of risk, this article helps IS professionals and all project sponsors to identify classes of risk and choose the appropriate managerial behavior to mitigate each of them.
Trapping cold atoms using surface-grown carbon nanotubes
We present a feasibility study for loading cold atomic clouds into magnetic traps created by single-wall carbon nanotubes grown directly onto dielectric surfaces. We show that atoms may be captured for experimentally sustainable nanotube currents, generating trapped clouds whose densities and lifetimes are sufficient to enable detection by simple imaging methods. This opens the way for a different type of conductor to be used in atomchips, enabling atom trapping at submicron distances, with implications for both fundamental studies and for technological applications.