Uniqueness of diffusion on domains with rough boundaries
Let $\Omega$ be a domain in $\mathbf R^d$ and $h(\varphi)=\sum^d_{k,l=1}(\partial_k\varphi, c_{kl}\partial_l\varphi)$ a quadratic form on $L_2(\Omega)$ with domain $C_c^\infty(\Omega)$ where the $c_{kl}$ are real symmetric $L_\infty(\Omega)$-functions with $C(x)=(c_{kl}(x))>0$ for almost all $x\in \Omega$. Further assume there are $a, \delta>0$ such that $a^{-1}d_\Gamma^{\delta}\,I\le C\le a\,d_\Gamma^{\delta}\,I$ for $d_\Gamma\le 1$ where $d_\Gamma$ is the Euclidean distance to the boundary $\Gamma$ of $\Omega$. We assume that $\Gamma$ is Ahlfors $s$-regular and if $s$, the Hausdorff dimension of $\Gamma$, is larger or equal to $d-1$ we also assume a mild uniformity property for $\Omega$ i…