Max Hasmann
A phase Ib/II study of HER3-targeting lumretuzumab in combination with carboplatin and paclitaxel as first-line treatment in patients with advanced or metastatic squamous non-small cell lung cancer.
Purpose This study investigated the safety and clinical activity of lumretuzumab, a humanised antihuman epidermal growth factor receptor 3 (HER3) monoclonal antibody, in combination with carboplatin and paclitaxel in first-line treatment of patients with squamous non-small cell lung cancer (sqNSCLC). HER3 ligand heregulin and HER3 protein expression were evaluated as potential biomarkers of clinical activity. Patients and methods This open-label, phase Ib/II study enrolled patients receiving lumretuzumab at 800 mg (flat) in combination with carboplatin (area under the curve (AUC) 6 mg/mL×min) and paclitaxel (200 mg/m 2) administered intravenously on a every 3-week schedule. Adverse event (A…
Phase Ib study evaluating safety and clinical activity of the anti-HER3 antibody lumretuzumab combined with the anti-HER2 antibody pertuzumab and paclitaxel in HER3-positive, HER2-low metastatic breast cancer
Summary Purpose To investigate the safety and clinical activity of comprehensive human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER) family receptor inhibition using lumretuzumab (anti-HER3) and pertuzumab (anti-HER2) in combination with paclitaxel in patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Methods This phase Ib study enrolled 35 MBC patients (first line or higher) with HER3-positive and HER2-low (immunohistochemistry 1+ to 2+ and in-situ hybridization negative) tumors. Patients received lumretuzumab (1000 mg in Cohort 1; 500 mg in Cohorts 2 and 3) plus pertuzumab (840 mg loading dose [LD] followed by 420 mg in Cohorts 1 and 2; 420 mg without LD in Cohort 3) every 3 weeks, plus paclitaxel (8…
Direct estrogen receptor (ER) / HER family crosstalk mediating sensitivity to lumretuzumab and pertuzumab in ER+ breast cancer.
Bidirectional cross talk between members of the human epidermal growth factor family of receptors (HER) and the estrogen receptor (ER) is believed to underlie resistance mechanisms that develop in response to treatment with anti-HER agents and endocrine therapy. We investigated the interaction between HER2, HER3 and the ER in vitro using human embryonic kidney cells transfected with human HER2, HER3, and ERα. We also investigated the additive efficacy of combination regimens consisting of anti-HER3 (lumretuzumab), anti-HER2 (pertuzumab), and endocrine (fulvestrant) therapy in vivo. Our data show that both HER2 and HER3 can directly complex with the ER and can mediate phosphorylation of the …