Paola Festa
Tabu search for min-max edge crossing in graphs
Abstract Graph drawing is a key issue in the field of data analysis, given the ever-growing amount of information available today that require the use of automatic tools to represent it. Graph Drawing Problems (GDP) are hard combinatorial problems whose applications have been widely relevant in fields such as social network analysis and project management. While classically in GDPs the main aesthetic concern is related to the minimization of the total sum of crossing in the graph (min-sum), in this paper we focus on a particular variant of the problem, the Min-Max GDP, consisting in the minimization of the maximum crossing among all egdes. Recently proposed in scientific literature, the Min…
Heuristics for the Constrained Incremental Graph Drawing Problem
Abstract Visualization of information is a relevant topic in Computer Science, where graphs have become a standard representation model, and graph drawing is now a well-established area. Within this context, edge crossing minimization is a widely studied problem given its importance in obtaining readable representations of graphs. In this paper, we focus on the so-called incremental graph drawing problem, in which we try to preserve the user’s mental map when obtaining successive drawings of the same graph. In particular, we minimize the number of edge crossings while satisfying some constraints required to preserve the position of vertices with respect to previous drawings. We propose heur…