Christian Zellerhoff
Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and high degree AV block: use of single-lead VDDR pacing with mode switching.
Dual chamber rate responsive pacing incorporating a mode switching option is increasingly used in patients with chronic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and high degree AV block. Single-lead VDDR pacemakers have rarely used for this indication. The purpose of this study was to determine their reliability of atrial sensing during atrial fibrillation, the percentage of atrial synchronous ventricular pacing, and the behavior of the sinus rate outside the phases of atrial fibrillation. We studied ten patients with a single-lead VDDR pacemaker implanted for this indication. Follow-up visits were performed at predischarge and after 1, 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months. During the mean follow-up period of…
Is atrial sensing of ventricular far-field signals important in single-lead VDD pacing?
UNLABELLED In single-lead VDD pacing the atrial sensitivity frequently is programmed to sensitive values. Atrial sensing of ventricular far-field signals should be reduced by differential atrial sensing. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of this approach. METHODS The study included 10 patients with a single-lead VDD pacemaker (Thera 8948, Lead 5032). The atrial sensitivity was set to its most sensitive value of 0.18 mV and the telemetered intraatrial EGM was continuously recorded. After atrial tracked ventricular pacing, VVI pacing was performed with pacing rates from 100 to 160 beats/min in steps of 10 beats/min and up to 165 beats/min. The peak-to-peak amplitudes of P…
How Can We Identify the Best Implantation Site for an ECG Event Recorder?
ZELLERHOFF, C., et al.: How Can We Identify the Best Implantation Site for an ECG Event Recorder? The aim of this study was to show how to find the preferable implantation site for an ECG event recorder (ECG-ER). We compared the quality of bipolar ECG recordings (4-cm electrode distance, vertical position) in 65 patients at the following sites: left and right subclavicular, left and right anterior axillary line (4th-5th interspace), left and right of the sternum (4th-5th interspace), heart apex, and subxyphoidal. The results were compared to the standard ECG lead II. In 30 patients, an additional comparison between vertical and horizontal ECG registrations was done using the same sites. ECG…