P. Faugeras
Measurement of the proton-antiproton total cross section at the SppS collider by a luminosity dependent method
Abstract The proton-antiproton total cross section was measured at the center-of-mass energy of s = 541 GeV at the S p pS at CERN using a luminosity dependent method. The result σtot=63.0±2.1 mb is in agreement with the luminosity independent measurement performed earlier by the UA4 Collaboration.
The UA4/2 experiment at the CERN SpS collider
Abstract The UA4/2 experiment performed at CERN to measure the ratio of the real to the imaginary part of the forward elastic scattering amplitude is described. The accent is placed on the improvements with respect to the previous UA4 experiment, especially on the much improved design of the high-β insertion and a high-resolution, highly multiplexed scintillating fiber tracking detector.