Rafael Poveda-roda

Retinoids and proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL). A preliminary study.

Objective. A study is made of the efficacy and adverse effects of retinoid therapy applied to the white lesions of proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL). Material and methods. The results of retinoid therapy were evaluated in 17 patients diagnosed with PVL. Topical retinoids were used in 5 patients, in the form of two daily applications of 0.1% 13-cis-retinoic acid in orabase for an average of 6.17+/-3.13 months. Systemic retinoids were used in 11 patients, with the administration of 25 mg/day of acitretin in tablet form for an average of 5.41+/-2.02 months. One patient successively received the topical and systemic retinoid formulations. The course and results were evaluated on a blind…

research product

Ewing sarcoma of the oral cavity. A review

Objectives A review is made of the clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic and survival characteristics of Ewing sarcoma (ES) of the oral cavity. Material and methods A systematic literature search was carried out, with restrictions referred to time (1960-2014), language (English and Spanish) and type of study (case reports, letters, datasets, reviews). The following MeSH terms and boolean operators were used: Ewing AND Sarcoma AND [tongue, jaw, maxilla, cheek, condyle OR temporomandibular, floor AND mouth, gum OR gingiva, palate OR palatal, lip, uvula, head AND neck]. Results Seventy-one cases of ES of the oral cavity were documented from 53 articles. The main differences versus ES of other loca…

research product

Temporomandibular disorders : a case-control study

Objective: To compare the risk factors and clinical manifestations of patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) diagnosed according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) (axis I) versus an age and gender matched control group. Study Design: A total of 162 patients explored according to the RDC/TMD (mean age 40.6±18.8 years, range 7-90; 11.1% males and 88.9% females) were compared with 119 controls, measuring differences in TMD risk factors (sleep disturbances, stress, psychoactive medication, parafunctions, loss of posterior support, ligament hyperlaxity) and clinical variables (joint sounds, painful muscle and joint palpation, maximum aperture…

research product

Intravenous bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws: Influence of coadjuvant antineoplastic treatment and study of buccodental condition

Objectives: To determine whether coadjuvant antineoplastic treatment can influence the number and size of bone exposures among patients with intravenous bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (iBRONJ), and to analyze the buccodental condition of these patients. Material and methods: The study sample comprised 67 patients with iBRONJ, 53 patients without iBRONJ receiving treatment with intravenous bisphosphonates, and 36 healthy subjects. In all three groups, measurements were made of the CAO index and of resting whole saliva and stimulated whole saliva. In the patients with iBRONJ, the size (cm) and number of bone exposures were recorded. The data obtained were subjected to analys…

research product

Graft-versus-host disease affecting oral cavity. A review

Graft versus host disease (GVHD) is one of the most frequent and serious complications of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and is regarded as the leading cause of late mortality unrelated to the underlying malignant disease. GVHD is an autoimmune and alloimmune disorder that usually affects multiple organs and tissues, and exhibits a variable clinical course. It can manifest in either acute or chronic form. The acute presentation of GVHD is potentially fatal and typically affects the skin, gastrointestinal tract and liver. The chronic form is characterized by the involvement of a number of organs, including the oral cavity. Indeed, the oral cavity may be the only affected location i…

research product

Changes in smoking habit among patients with a history of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC)

Objective: To determine the changes in smoking habit among patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) diagnosed and treated in the Service of Stomatology (Valencia University General Hospital. Valencia, Spain). Material and methods: The study involved 123 patients with a history of OSCC interviewed by telephone on their smoking habits at the time of the diagnosis and modifications in habits subsequently. The mean age at diagnosis was 60 years and 9 months (standard deviation, SD ± 12 years and 2 months). Males predominated (61.8%) over females (38.2%). The mean time from the diagnosis of OSCC to the survey was 4 years and 6 months (SD ± 3 years and 6 months). Results: Almost one-half…

research product

Eritema multiforme: Revisión y puesta al día

El sistema multiforme es una enfermedad de la piel y las mucosas que se manifiesta con lesiones eritematosas y de tipo vesiculo-ampollar. Las lesiones vesiculo-ampollares y erosivas a nivel de la cavidad oral y la piel pueden ser vausadas por un amplio grupo de patologias. La etiologia de la mismas tambien puede ser muy variable, desde una causa traumatica o quimica por contacto, hasta una causa autoinmune. Dado que en ocasiones es dificil hacer un diagnostico diferencial para discernir la etiologia de las lesiones, es importante conocer los detalles clinicos y los aspectos epidemiologicos e histopatologicos de cada una de ellas. En este articulo se hace una revision de los aspectos epidemi…

research product

Pseudotumors and tumors of the temporomandibular joint. A review.

Objective: To review the pseudotumors and tumors of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) published in journals included in Journal Citation Reports (JCR), and to evaluate whether there are clinical and radiological signs capable of differentiating between pseudotumors and tumors and between malignant and benign tumors. Material and Methods: A systematic Medline search was made of clinical cases of tumors and pseudotumors of the TMJ covering a 20-year period and published in journals included in JCR. Only cases with histological confirmation were included. A description is provided of the general characteristics of TMJ tumors, with comparison of the clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic and evoluti…

research product

Retrospective study of a series of 850 patients with temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). Clinical and radiological findings

Objective: To define the clinical and radiological characteristics of the four most common presentations of temporomandibular dysfunction-myofascial pain (MFP), disc displacement with reduction (DDWR), disc displacement without reduction (DDWoR), and osteoarthrosis (OR)-and to identify the differences among them. Material and methods: The study comprised a series of 850 patients (121 males and 729 females) seen between May 2003 and December 2006 in Valencia University General Hospital (Spain) for temporomandibular joint disease (TMJD). An analysis was made of the possible etiological factors (stress, traumatisms, sleep disturbances, parafunctional habits, reason for consultation), possible …

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