Yolanda Jiménez-soriano

Retinoids and proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL). A preliminary study.

Objective. A study is made of the efficacy and adverse effects of retinoid therapy applied to the white lesions of proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL). Material and methods. The results of retinoid therapy were evaluated in 17 patients diagnosed with PVL. Topical retinoids were used in 5 patients, in the form of two daily applications of 0.1% 13-cis-retinoic acid in orabase for an average of 6.17+/-3.13 months. Systemic retinoids were used in 11 patients, with the administration of 25 mg/day of acitretin in tablet form for an average of 5.41+/-2.02 months. One patient successively received the topical and systemic retinoid formulations. The course and results were evaluated on a blind…

research product

Treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis. A literature review

Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is the most common chronic disease of the oral cavity, affecting 5-25% of the population. The underlying etiology remains unclear, and no curative treatment is available. The present review examines the existing treatments for RAS with the purpose of answering a number of questions: How should these patients be treated in the dental clinic? What topical drugs are available and when should they be used? What systemic drugs are available and when should they be used? A literature search was made of the PubMed, Cochrane and Scopus databases, limited to articles published between 2008-2012, with scientific levels of evidence 1 and 2 (metaanalyses, systematic …

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Changes in smoking habit among patients with a history of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC)

Objective: To determine the changes in smoking habit among patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) diagnosed and treated in the Service of Stomatology (Valencia University General Hospital. Valencia, Spain). Material and methods: The study involved 123 patients with a history of OSCC interviewed by telephone on their smoking habits at the time of the diagnosis and modifications in habits subsequently. The mean age at diagnosis was 60 years and 9 months (standard deviation, SD ± 12 years and 2 months). Males predominated (61.8%) over females (38.2%). The mean time from the diagnosis of OSCC to the survey was 4 years and 6 months (SD ± 3 years and 6 months). Results: Almost one-half…

research product

Relationship between the oral cavity and cardiovascular diseases and metabolic syndrome

The components of the human body are closely interdependent; as a result, disease conditions in some organs or components can influence the development of disease in other body locations. The effect of oral health upon health in general has been investigated for decades by many epidemiological studies. In this context, there appears to be a clear relationship between deficient oral hygiene and different systemic disorders such as cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome. The precise relationship between them is the subject of ongoing research, and a variety of theories have been proposed, though most of them postulate the mediation of an inflammatory response. This association between …

research product

Clinical and microbiological diagnosis of oral candidiasis

Introduction: Candidiasis or oral candidiasis is the most frequent mucocutaneous mycosis of the oral cavity. It is produced by the genus Candida, which is found in the oral cavity of 53% of the general population as a common commensal organism. One hundred and fifty species have been isolated in the oral cavity, and 80% of the isolates correspond to Candida albicans, which can colonize the oral cavity alone or in combination with other species. Transformation from commensal organism to pathogen depends on the intervention of different predisposing factors that modify the microenvironment of the oral cavity and favor the appearance of opportunistic infection. The present study offers a liter…

research product

Study of serum ctx in 50 oral surgical patients treated with oral bisphosphonates

Objectives: To determine whether there is a relationship between the total BP dose administered and the variations in serum CTX concentration. Study design: The study included 50 patients requiring dental implant surgery and treated with oral BPs, seen in an Oral Surgery and Implantology Unit between January 2007 and June 2009. The patients were divided into two groups: those in which the medication was not suspended before obtaining the laboratory test sample, and those patients referred from other dental clinics in which BPs was suspended before reporting to our Unit. The total drug dosage administered and the total dose per kilogram body weight were evaluated for comparison with serum CT…

research product

Retrospective study of a series of 850 patients with temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). Clinical and radiological findings

Objective: To define the clinical and radiological characteristics of the four most common presentations of temporomandibular dysfunction-myofascial pain (MFP), disc displacement with reduction (DDWR), disc displacement without reduction (DDWoR), and osteoarthrosis (OR)-and to identify the differences among them. Material and methods: The study comprised a series of 850 patients (121 males and 729 females) seen between May 2003 and December 2006 in Valencia University General Hospital (Spain) for temporomandibular joint disease (TMJD). An analysis was made of the possible etiological factors (stress, traumatisms, sleep disturbances, parafunctional habits, reason for consultation), possible …

research product

Enfermedades ampollares en la cavidad oral: pénfigo

Dentro de las patologias que cursan con la formacion de ampollas en la mucosa oral existe un grupo importante de enfermedades mucocutaneas entre las que se encuentra el penfigo. En este articulo pretendemos realizar una revision y puesta al dia de esta enfermedad centrandonos en sus dos variantes que expresan fundamentalmente con manifestaciones orales: el penfigo vulgar y el penfigo paraneoplasico. Revisamos los criterios etiopatologicos que nos llevan a comprender las manifestaciones clinicas, analizamos los puntos en que basamos el diagnostico y los tratamientos que con mayor frecuencia se estan utilizando en estos pacientes. Es importante su conocimiento ya que son enfermedades que suel…

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