Trillas E.
The Linguistic Continua
There is no doubt that there are inferential chains that break, and sometimes break suddenly. For instance, provided p and q are synonyms, that is, their respective meanings are contextually indistinguishable under the definition.
Context, Inference’s Safety, Proving and Further Comments
In no way does this Chap. 2 try to reach definitive conclusions. It is just a preliminary inquiry, containing no more than some initial reflections made basing Commonsense Reasoning on perception. Specifically, on the possibilities that measurable meaning and Indistinguishability Operators offer for its study. Human beings are slave of their senses that, usually, do not distinguish things below some threshold.
Trying to Pose the Main Problem: Measurable Meaning
We have shown the necessity to reconsider the concept of ‘meaning’. In this framework ‘meaning’ should be a situational concept requiring to be bounded by specific definitions rendering it applicable to our needs. Membership functions should as well be seen as ‘measures’ of meaning, which would give them a meaning as well.
Examples on the Analysis of Statements Trough Design
The first example concerns the analysis of two statements on which very few things are known, with the goal of establishing which one is truer, and what should be previously known in order to capture their respective meanings.