The cardinal exercise stopper: Muscle fatigue, muscle pain or perception of effort?
The capacity to sustain high-intensity aerobic exercise is essential for endurance performance. Therefore, it is important to understand what is the factor limiting time to exhaustion (TTE) in healthy and fit adults. In Study 1, maximal voluntary cycling power (MVCP) was measured in 11 volunteers before and immediately after a high-intensity TTE test on cycle ergometer. Cadence was 60 rpm in both the MVCP and TTE tests. Despite a 35% loss in MVCP, power produced during the final MVCP test (mean ± SD 469 ± 111 W) was significantly higher than the power required by the TTE test (269 ± 55 W) (P < 0.001). In Study 2, 12 participants performed a cold pressor test (CPT) to the limit of tolerance …