Silvestro Cusmà
Abdominal splenosis and its differential diagnoses: What the radiologist needs to know
Abstract Splenosis is a benign acquired condition characterized by the presence of heterotopic viable splenic tissue in other organs or within cavities such as peritoneum, retroperitoneum, or thorax after splenic trauma or surgery. Abdominal splenosis is often an incidental finding and computed tomography and magnetic resonance usually allow a confident diagnosis. The typical enhancement that parallels the spleen is a useful hallmark of splenosis. Splenic implants lack contrast uptake in the hepatobiliary phase and show high signal at high b-values on diffusion-weighted images. In some cases splenosis may mimic malignant and benign conditions in the peritoneum as well as in hollow and paren…
CT and MR imaging of chemotherapy-induced hepatopathy.
Chemotherapy-induced hepatopathy includes a wide variety of parenchymal and vascular hepatic changes on imaging, including diffuse or focal hepatopathies (i.e. hepatitis, steatosis, fibrosis, pseudocirrhosis, or sinusoidal obstruction). These changes can profoundly alter the hepatic parenchyma on imaging and result in both false negative and false-positive diagnoses of hepatic metastases and lead to errors in patient management strategies. It is therefore important for radiologists to have a comprehensive knowledge of the imaging patterns that may develop following chemotherapy. The purpose of this review is to explore the broad spectrum of hepatic parenchymal and vascular chemotherapy-indu…