Shalini Gupta
Versailles project on advanced materials and standards (VAMAS) interlaboratory study on measuring the number concentration of colloidal gold nanoparticles
The advancement of analytical methods for nanoparticle measurements is critical both for the growing industrial exploitation of engineered nanoparticles and for developing robust strategies to understand and control the concentration of nanomaterials in humans and the environment. For high value nanoparticles, the measurement of nanoparticle number concentration in a liquid directly impacts the ability to assess the scale and reproducibility of the production process, it allows optimisation of efficiency and supports regulatory compliance. This measurement is also useful to monitor and control the intentional or accidental release of engineered nanoparticles into the environment at the produc…
Post endodontic Aspergillosis in an immunocompetent individual
Non-invasive aspergillosis in immunocompetent individuals subsequent to post endodontic treatment can involve the maxillary antrum. An early and accurate diagnosis will aid in prompt and effective treatment. A 35 year old female patient reported with a painful nasomaxillary swelling. Previous records revealed the failure of the endodontic treatment of maxillary left second premolar which was subsequently extracted. Root piece was accidently left behind which resulted in a painful nasomaxillary swelling. The extraction socket was curetted and tissue was sent for histopathological examination, which revealed abundant septate fungal hyphae with numerous spores characteristic of Aspergillus. Th…