Felicia Pant
Early administration of an immunomodulator and induction of remission in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
A clinical trial was undertaken to determine whether intensive thymopentin administration enhances remission of insulin-dependent diabetes (IDDM) during the first year after diagnosis. Dosage with insulin was minimized with target control of blood glucose levels less than or equal to 7.8 mmol/l before meals. Remission was defined as a prolonged period after IDDM onset (not less than 3 months) characterized by a non-insulin-receiving (NIR) state in which target metabolic control was reached without administration of insulin and with a valid C-peptide response, evaluated after standard breakfast. Sixteen IDDM patients aged 12-31 years, recruited within 2 weeks of initiation of insulin therapy…
The influence of high dose intravenous immunoglobulins on immunological and metabolic pattern in newly diagnosed type I diabetic patients
In autoimmune disease the functional deficiency of T suppressor cells, also described in Type I diabetes, may be restored through immunoglobulin (Ig) infusion, which increases antigen phagocytosis, NK activity, cell clones and antibody anti-idiotype responses. Sixteen Type I diabetic patients were studied: eight were treated soon after the initial correction of disease-onset glycemic deterioration with intensive intravenous (i.v.) 7S Ig treatment (0.4 g/kg/BW) for 1 week and once per week for 6 months, whilst the remaining patients constituted the control group. All patients were evaluated during the study for metabolic and immunological parameters. A reduction in insulin requirement compar…