Michael J. Ramsey-musolf
Dispersive Evaluation of the Inner Radiative Correction in Neutron and Nuclear $\beta$-decay
We propose a novel dispersive treatment of the so-called inner radiative correction to the neutron and nuclear $\beta$-decay. We show that it requires knowledge of the parity-violating structure function $F_3^{(0)}$ that arises from the interference of the axial vector charged current and the isoscalar part of the electromagnetic current. By isospin symmetry, we relate this structure function to the charged current inelastic scattering of neutrinos and antineutrinos. Applying this new data-driven analysis we obtain a new, more precise evaluation for the universal radiative correction $\Delta_{R}^{V,\,new}=0.02467(22)$ that supersedes the previous estimate by Marciano and Sirlin, $\Delta_R^V…
Nucleon Vector Strangeness Form Factors: Multi-pion Continuum and the OZI Rule
We estimate the 3 \pi continuum contribution to the nucleon strange quark vector current form factors, including the effect of a 3 \pi \rho \pi resonance. We find the magnitude of this OZI-violating contribution to be comparable to that of typical OZI-allowed contributions. We also study the isoscalar electromagnetic form factors, and find that the presence of a \rho \pi resonance in the multi-pion continuum may generate an appreciable contribution.
KNScattering and the Nucleon Strangeness Radius
The leading non-zero electric moment of the nucleon strange-quark vector current is the mean square strangeness radius, $$. We evaluate the lightest OZI-allowed contribution to $$, arising from the kaon cloud, using dispersion relations. Drawing upon unitarity constraints as well as $K^{+}N$ scattering and $e^+e^-\to K\bar{K}$ cross section data, we find the structure of this contribution differs significantly from that suggested by a variety of QCD-inspired model calculations. In particular, we find evidence for a strong $\phi$-meson resonance which may enhance the scale of kaon cloud contribution to an observable level.
Reduced hadronic uncertainty in the determination of $V_{ud}$
We analyze the universal radiative correction $\Delta_R^V$ to neutron and superallowed nuclear $\beta$ decay by expressing the hadronic $\gamma W$-box contribution in terms of a dispersion relation, which we identify as an integral over the first Nachtmann moment of the $\gamma W$ interference structure function $F_3^{(0)}$. By connecting the needed input to existing data on neutrino and antineutrino scattering, we obtain an updated value of $\Delta_R^V = 0.02467(22)$, wherein the hadronic uncertainty is reduced. Assuming other Standard Model theoretical calculations and experimental measurements remain unchanged, we obtain an updated value of $|V_{ud}| = 0.97366(15)$, raising tension with …