G. Eckert

Evidence for a two-phonon octupole vibrational state in208Pb

Collective properties of206,208Pb have been investigated with gamma-ray spectroscopy using nuclear and electromagnetic excitation by208Pb projectiles. From the measurement of particle-particle-γ and particle-particle-γ γ coincidences a new energy level in208Pb at 5.683 MeV was observed and the data suggest an interpretation as a 2-phonon octupole vibrational state with spin 4+ or 6+. For this state one finds the same dynamical deformation parameterβ3 as for the first-excited collective 3− state. The results are compared to predictions of models which consider, in particular, the aspects of the quadrupole interaction and the interaction of the 2-particle pairing vibration with the 2-phonon o…

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Spin Physics at MAMI

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A dense polarized 3He target based on compression of optically pumped gas

Abstract 3 He-gas is spin polarized by the method of optical pumping of metastables and metastability exchange in a low pressure gas discharge. At a pressure of p ≈ 1.5 Torr a volume of 1 l is polarized within about 30 s to a degree of 50% with 300 mW of incident light from an argon-ion laser pumped LNA laser, tuned to the λ = 1.083 μm resonance line. The polarized gas is compressed by a Toepler pump into a target cell of 120 cm 3 volume. In a first attempt a steady state polarization of 30% has been achieved in the target at a pressure of 685 Torr. The paper analyses the essential parameters governing this technique and pilotes its experimental realization.

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Compression of Polarized 3He

This article gives a status report on the polarized 3He target development work at Mainz. It is based on the optical pumping of the 3S1 state of 3He with subsequent metastability spin exchange to the ground state atoms. This pumping scheme is very efficient at 3He pressures of about 1 Torr; for high density targets, however, a mechanical compression of the polarized gas is needed in a second step. First results with a Toepler compression pump look promising and will be discussed in the following.

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Über die synthese von gewinkelten oligophenylenen höheren kondensationsgrades. 17. Mitteilung

Es wird uber die Synthese von methylsubstituierten, ein- und zweifach m-gewinkelten Oligophenylenen bis zum Kondensationsgrad 14 berichtet. Durch Anwendung chromatographischer Methoden konnten die Verbindungen rein isoliert werden. Gewinkelte Oligophenylene besitzen bei vergleichbarer Struktur einen niedrigeren Schmelzpunkt und eine bessere Loslichkeit als p-Oligophenylene. The synthesis of methyl-substituted oligophenylenes with one or two meta-bonds up to a polymerisation degree of 14 is described. By application of chromatographic methods these compounds could be isolated free of impurities and homolog products. Angled oligophenylenes possess a lower melting point and a higher solubility…

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