Enrique Sanchis-sales
Kinematics reduction applied to the comparison of highly-pronated, normal and highly-supinated feet during walking
Abstract Background Kinematic analysis could help to study how variations in the static foot posture affect lower limb biomechanical function. The analysis of foot kinematics is complex because it involves managing the time-dependent joint angles in different joints and in all three planes of motion. But it could be simplified if joint angles are coordinated. Methods The kinematics of the ankle, midtarsal and metatarsophalangeal joints were registered in 20 highly-pronated, 30 normal and 20 highly-supinated subjects (assessed by the Foot Posture Index – FPI) as they walked barefoot. Coordination for each sample was analysed through principal component analysis applied to the dorsiflexion, a…
3D characterisation of the dynamics of foot joints of adults during walking. Gait pattern identification
A detailed description of the kinematics and kinetics of the ankle, midtarsal and metatarsophalangeal joints of the feet of a healthy adult male population during barefoot walking is provided. Plots of the angles and moments in each plane during the stance phase are reported, along with the mean and standard deviation values of 87 different parameters that characterise the 3D dynamics of the foot joints. These parameters were used to check for similarities between subjects through a hierarchical analysis that allowed three different gait patterns to be identified, most of the differences corresponding to the frontal and transverse planes.
Análisis cinético y cinemático de las articulaciones del mediopié durante la marcha en sujetos sanos: consideraciones clínicas
Introducción: No existe todavía suficiente evidencia en estudios clínicos respecto al comportamiento del mediopié en situaciones dinámicas como la marcha o la carrera. El presente estudio pretende analizar el comportamiento mecánico de las articulaciones del mediopié mediante un modelo multisegmental del pie, con especial atención a los momentos articulares y sus repercusiones clínicas. Sujetos y métodos: Se realizó un estudio computarizado de la marcha sobre 30 sujetos adultos sanos (27,13 ± 3,82 a˜nos) con un índice de postura del pie (FPI) neutro (entre 0 y +5). Se estimaron los ángulos y momentos articulares externos en 3 dimensiones mediante un modelo que considera 3 segmentos (antepié…
Effect of static foot posture on the dynamic stiffness of foot joints during walking
Background The static foot posture has been related to the development of lower limb injuries. Research question This study aimed to investigate the dynamic stiffness of foot joints during gait in the sagittal plane to understand the role of the static foot posture in the development of injuries. Methods Seventy healthy adult male subjects with different static postures, assessed by the Foot Posture Index (FPI) (30 normal, 20 highly pronated and 20 highly supinated), were recruited. Kinematic and kinetic data were recorded using an optical motion capture system and a pressure platform, and dynamic stiffness at the different stages of the stance was calculated from the slopes of the linear r…
Dynamic Flexion Stiffness of Foot Joints During Walking
Background: Dynamic stiffness can be used for studying foot pathologic abnormalities and for developing prostheses and orthoses. Although previous works have studied the role of ankle joint stiffness during gait, other foot joints have not yet been analyzed. We sought to characterize the dynamic stiffness of the ankle, midtarsal, and metatarsophalangeal joints during normal walking.Methods: Kinematics and contact data from four healthy individuals during walking were registered with a three-dimensional motion analysis system and a pressure platform. Stance phases with flexion moment-angle linear relationships were identified, and dynamic stiffnesses were calculated from the slope of their l…
Variability of the Dynamic Stiffness of Foot Joints: Effect of Gait Speed
Background:Comparison of dynamic stiffness of foot joints was previously proposed to investigate pathologic situations with changes in the properties of muscle and passive structures. Samples must be controlled to reduce the variability within groups being compared, which may arise from different sources, such as gait speed or Foot Posture Index (FPI).Methods:Variability in the measurement of the dynamic stiffness of ankle, midtarsal, and metatarsophalangeal joints was studied in a controlled sample of healthy men with normal FPI, and the effect of gait speed was analyzed. In experiment 1, dynamic stiffnesses were obtained in three sessions, five trials per session, for each participant, ta…
Kinematics and kinetics analysis of midfoot joints of 30 normal subjects during walking
Abstract Introduction There is not enough evidence in form of clinical studies regarding the behavior of the midfoot joints in dynamic situations such us walking or running. The present work aims to study the mechanical behavior of midfoot joints with a multisegmented foot model with special interest in joint moments and their clinical significance. Subjects and methods A computerized 3-dimensional gait study was performed on healthy male adult subjects with a neutral Foot Posture Index (FPI) (from 0 to +5) during walking. Joint angle and external moments were estimated with a multisegment foot model that considers three separate segments (forefoot, rearfoot and hallux) and graphs and value…