Anxiety disorders and other psychiatric subgroups in patients complaining of dizziness.
Two hundred and two consecutive patients with dizziness were evaluated using blind neuro-otological testing and examination, blind psychiatric examination, including structured interviews (according to DSM-IV), the Symptom Check-List (SCL 90 R), and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). In 28% of the patients (N=50) dizziness was of organic origin (O group); in 55.3% (N=99) of psychogenic origin (P group) and in 16.8% comorbid psychiatric disorders were found (Mixed group). In 5.3% (N=10) neither organic nor psychiatric results could be found, which could explain the dizziness (Ideopathic group). Compared with the Organic group the patients with psychiatric disorders (P and Mixed group)…