C. Damerell
Measurement of the mass and width of the charmed meson D∗+ (2010)
Abstract Using a high-resolution silicon vertex detector we have observed a very clean signal of 127 D∗+. After a careful study of the experimental resolution of our apparatus we have measured m( D ∗++ )−m( D 0 ) = 145.39±0.06±0.03 MeV . We have also obtained a 90% CL upper limit to γ(D∗+) of 131 keV.
Charmed pair correlations in π−Cu interactions at 230 GeV/c
Abstract In the CERN NA32 experiment a high-resolution silicon vertex detector and a purely topological approach were used to collect 557 events consistent with associated charm production, both decay vertices being observed. The pseudorapidity gap distribution appears to be nearly independent of the nature of the charmed hadrons. This distribution is reasonably consistent with the next-to-leading order QCD calculations. However the azimuthal-angle distribution is significantly broader than the above predictions.
First measurement of the lifetime of the charmed strange baryon Ξc0
Abstract We have observed four unambiguous decays of the charmed strange baryon Ξco in the NA32 experiment at CERN. Charge- coupled devices and silicon microstrip detectors were used to reconstruct the decay mode Ξ c o → pK − K ∗ (892) o seen in events produced by the interaction of 230 GeV/c negative poins and kaons on a copper target. We present the first measurement of the lifetime of the Ξco, together with a determination of its mass and production cross section. The resonant components of the Ξco decay are studied. We use our earlier measurement of the mass of the Ξc+ in the determination of the isospin mass splitting of the Ξc states.