Thomas Schlosser
Kardiale MRT : Änderungen der normalisierten myokardialen Gadolinium-Anreicherung über die Zeit nach Kontrastmittelinjektion in Patienten mit akuter Myokarditis und gesunden Probanden
PURPOSE An increased normalized gadolinium accumulation (NGA) in the myocardium during early washout has been used for the diagnosis of acute myocarditis (AM). Due to the fact that the pharmacokinetics of contrast agents are complex, time-related changes in NGA after contrast injection are likely. Because knowledge about time-related changes of NGA may improve the diagnostic accuracy of MR, our study aimed to estimate the time course of NGA after contrast injection in patients as well as in healthy volunteers. MATERIALS AND METHODS An ECG-triggered inversion recovery SSFP sequence with incrementally increasing inversion times was repetitively acquired over the 15 minutes after injection of …
New 3-zone hybrid graft : First-in-man experience in acute type I dissection
Abstract Objective Acute type I aortic dissection (AAD) represents a surgical emergency with time-dependent evolving complications. Frozen elephant trunk (FET) enables false lumen exclusion downstream but is still debated in AAD due to its greater dimension of surgery. To combine the benefits of fast proximal repair with the FET benefits, a 3-zone hybrid graft was developed consisting of an ascending polyester portion, an arch noncovered stent, and a descending stent graft. Mid-term results of this new technique are presented. Methods A total of 6 patients (age mean 69 years) with type I AAD in critical status (Penn classification B n = 5, BC n = 1) were operated between July 2016 and April…