Staņislavs Gendelis

Experimental Research of Thermal Comfort Conditions in Small Test Buildings with Different Types of Heating

Abstract The aim of this study is detailed analysis of long-term monitoring data of thermal comfort conditions and energy efficiency in small test buildings equipped with different heating systems. Calculations of PPD index and local thermal discomfort factors are provided for the test buildings during three weeks of heating season. It is shown that the type of heating system has influence not only on heating energy need, but also on thermal comfort conditions in the room.

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The paper deals with the distributions of temperature and averaged turbulent airflows in living rooms in 2D and 3D approximations using Ansys/Flotran and Ansys/CFX software respectively. The distributions are calculated depending on the placement and temperature of heaters, heat transfer coefficients of the building structures and ventilation conditions. The authors analyse the influence of these factors on the air circulation and the related heat flows through building structures. The thermal balance of a room and its dependence on various external factors is also considered. As thermal comfort conditions’ parameters are analysed, the airflow velocities and indoor temperatures with its gra…

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Calculation of cost-optimal combination of building materials and technical systems for nZEB single-family house using global cost calculation method

As a rule, during the design stage of a single-family house, only initial costs are taken into account and optimised. Long-term financial calculations are usually not even made. At the same time, total costs to design, build and operate the building show a real difference in expenses while living in this house. In the case of nearly zero energy buildings (nZEBs), this global cost approach becomes especially useful because of the strict requirements of heating and primary energy, as well as the compulsory use of renewable energy sources, requiring more detailed and comprehensive calculations of a cost-optimal set of solutions. In this study, a nZEB single-family house is analysed in detail u…

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Ēkas siltumfizikālo procesu kompleksā analīze

Darbs ir veltīts kompleksai siltumfizikālo procesu ēkās analīzei, pielietojot teorētiskās, eksperimentālās un skaitliskās modelēšanas pieejas. Veikti vairāki simti eksperimentālo mērījumu, izveidota specializētā datu bāze, sistematizēti visbiežāk sastopamie defekti. Izveidotas mērsistēmas ar oriģinālām datu apstrādes metodikām siltuma caurlaidības un materiālu siltuma ietilpības noteikšanai. Izveidoti un veiksmīgi aprobēti integrālie visas ēkas siltuma bilances modeļi, ir veikta to salīdzinošā analīze. Skaitliski veikta atsevišķas telpas matemātiskā modelēšana, prognozējot dažādu faktori ietekmi uz siltumfizikāliem procesiem un termiskā komforta nosacījumiem tajā. Šis darbs ir pirmais šāda …

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Thermal comfort condition assessment in test buildings with different heating/cooling systems and wall envelopes

Abstract The main aim of this study is a comprehensive analysis of long-term monitoring data of thermal comfort and discomfort parameters in small identical test buildings equipped with different heating/cooling systems. Calculations of PPD index expressed the human perception of thermal comfort and such discomfort factors like draught rate and vertical air temperature difference are provided for the room in winter season running three different heating systems – electric heater, air-air heat pump and air-water heat pump, as well as for the summer cooling with split type air conditioning systems. It is shown that the type of heating/cooling system and its working regime has a significant im…

research product

Thermal and moisture adsorption/desorption properties for a selection of vegetal insulation materials

Natural, or ‘green’ insulation materials, have become more popular for the ‘ecologisation’ of construction activities. The ecological aspects for such materials are being widely analysed, but experimental data about their physical properties when installed in building constructions remains lacking. In this study, pressed samples of three locally wild grown agricultural materials – rye, reed, and hemp – are analysed. Thermal conductivity measurements were carried out using the hot plate device. Comparison with widely used mineral insulation materials shows that thermal conductivity for simple pressed materials are roughly three times higher, and are comparable to plywood and cross-laminated …

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