G Frazzica
Introduzione a: Giovani e legalità in tempo di pandemia
Introduction to the book: Giovani e legalità in tempo di pandemia
Civic Engagement, External Impact and the Third Mission of Universities
The chapter focuses on the role of the third mission of universities. and highlights the benefits of public engagement as well as the role of public policies with reference to third mission. Moreover, the consequence of scientific contributions in the production of policy indications is underlined in the contribution. The authors also focus on the Italian case and outline some critical methodological aspects concerning impact evaluation of public engagement.
Opinioni degli studenti e norme anticovid
In this chapter, the results of a research on young people's opinions and attitudes towards anticovid rules are presented. The respondents were asked to answer the following question: "What is your opinion about f the measures taken by the government to combat the spread of the coronavirus?" The answers were subjected to a double analysis.
Methods of research Textual analysis
Giovani e legalità in tempo di pandemia
This volume focuses on subjects and data analysed from different perspectives in the light of the health emergency. An emergency which has prompted everyone not only to deal with medical, biological or statistical information (dynamics of contagions, increase in contagions, immune response, effectiveness of vaccines, etc.), but also with the processes of producing of norms, rules and regulations to be interpreted and assessed, as well as with the modification of the spaces of freedom of individuals and organisations.
Le scienze sociali e la Terza missione delle università
Alcune riflessioni sull'impatto delle scienze sociali sulla Terza Missione delle Università