Lo Papa G
Pedotechnique application and soil security in intensive viticulture: an (im)possible link!
Since ancient times Man and Soil have experienced interwoven links. Nowadays soil scientists continue to stress such links highlighting the importance of soil to provide man’s growing demand for food, water and energy, and also the soil’s im- portance in providing ecosystem services that affect climate change, human health and biodiversity. In soil management for agricultural purposes, pedotechniques to tailor soils suita- ble for table grapes cultivation in large-scale farming are used to get substantial fi- nancial returns. However, farmers in tailoring soils for high income crops, fre- quently do not take into account the fundamental objective of the pedotechnique, i. e. to meet the need…
Gypsum and Halite Deposition on Cyanobacteria and Algae in Salt‐Affected Soils.
Soil surface communities are different from those of bulk soil due to the development of photo‐ synthetic communities comprising cyanobacteria, algae, and other bacteria which contribute to the formation of biological soil crusts. The structure of ecological niches forming biological crusts in saline soil environments is characterized by communities dominated by extremophiles organisms like archea, halophilic bacteria and cyanobacteria that can have a direct or indirect role in shaping soil properties. For example gypsum and halite were found by some authors as‐ sociated with the cyanobacterium Entophysalis (Braithwaite and Whitton, 1987); moreover the crystallization of gypsum and halite a…
Resistance of solonetzic soils to rocket and space activity impact in central Kazakhstan.
Introduction. This paper provides the results of a comparative analysis of physicochemical and biological characteristics of soil cover at the fall places of the first stage of “Proton" Launch vehicle (LV) in the area of Yu-2 (Central Kazakhstan). In particular, we considered the ecological stability of brown solonetzic soils in combination with Solonetz soil, to chemical pollution and variability of soil microflora to mechanical stresses during the fall of the separated parts of space launch vehicles (SLV SP). Materials and Methods. We have chosen those Kazakhstan's territories that are used by the Baikonur Cosmodrome as an impact areas of separating parts of space launch vehicles (SLV SP …
Un modello per la definizione dell’adattabilità dei suoli del tratto terminale del bacino del Belice (AG) allo smaltimento delle acque di vegetazione
Biotechnology of the Recultivation of Technogenically Disturbed Landscapes in the South and East of Kazakhstan (биотехнология рекультивации техногенно – нарушенных ландшафтов наюге и востоке казахстана)
Reclamation of technogenically disturbed lands requires several procedures and assignments. In the South of Kazakhstan during the field development of phosphate deposits, pastoral type lands were disturbed. Reclamation works were done in two stages - technical and biological. The technical stage included the dump planning, loamy ground delivery for bottom lining, layer-bylayer covering and stabilisation. The biological stage included planting of phyto-meliorants, biochar and carbamide insertion under crops. In the city of Ridder, around the mining processing industry, the black humus soil was exposed to aggressive emission of zinc plant. The soil is currently degraded and devoid of vegetati…
Suoli di qualità per una vita di qualità è il motivo conduttore di quello che rimarrà nella storia dell’Uomo come l’Anno internazionale dei suoli. In moltissimi Paesi del mondo il 2015 è stato un fiorire di iniziative e di attività tutte legate al suolo ed alla diffusione della sua conoscenza. Questo 40° congresso nazionale della Società Italiana della Scienza del Suolo, che abbiamo voluto organizzare in prossimità delle manifestazioni conclusive dell’Anno internazionale dei suoli e della Celebrazione della Giornata Mondiale del Suolo, rappresenta l’acme delle varie iniziative che la SISS ha posto in essere nel 2015.