C. Sinatra
Lenguajes y culturas en contacto
Starting from the concept of intercultural competence proposed by the Council of Europe (1998) and on the basis of the new curricula of the Instituto Cervantes Plan Curricular (2006), in this handbook the authors develop learning activities about Spanish for specific purposes, to find new forms of linguistic transactions and meaning negotiation, to guide students to discover the social dimension of both languages : Legal and Adminitsrative (Dr. Sinatra) and Tourism (Dr. Di Gesù). The text consists of a first theoretical part, by Dr. Sinatra, and a practical part, by both authors, with six units, each of which consists of texts on the different types of language. In the first chapter of the …
This paper aims to demonstrate how much Adrian Henri’s poetry changed in his last years. As a member of the Liverpool Poets together with Roger McGough and Brian Patten, Adrian Henri was attracted by what Edward Lucie-Smith called ‘performativity’. The three of them very often played public readings. Their poetry was a real ‘oral’ literature, lyrical, as only British poetry can be. Mortified by a heart attack in the late ‘90s, Henri changed his life and literary stile, adopting a more subjective and romantic use of the words, whose main power was to be evocative as well as rich in symbols.
Il Código Etico Mundial para el Turismo: una proposta didattica di traduzione
Il testo è una proposta di traduzione didattica del Código ético mundial para el turismo, sperimentata in due classi di studenti di Lingua e linguistica spagnola I e di Lingua e traduzione spagnola di due corsi di laurea specialistica dell’Università di palermo con l’obiettivo di dimostrare l’efficacia dell’uso delle Mappe mentali come un vero e proprio sussidio per il processo d’insegnamento/apprendimento della lingua straniera ed in particolare per la traduzione
Late Autumn Poem; The Poet's Garden; A,A,B,B,; Haiku
Traduzione dei testi di Roger McGough da "Sky in the Pie", Penguin, Londra, 1985