F. Pérez
Estimating the long-term economic impacts of Spanish universities on the national economy
In contrast to previous studies on the economic impact of universities that focus on the demand side, this study centres on universities' effects on the supply side of the economy. Through a case study of the Spanish University System, this paper proposes a methodology based on counterfactual scenarios and growth accounting to estimate the long-term impacts of universities on their regional economies. Our study evaluates the stylized impacts of universities' activities on human capital, salaries and occupation of the working age population, on generation of technological capital and, finally, on the GDP growth of the Spanish economy in the period 1989¿2010.
Acceptance and validity of the methods used to implement a competency based medical education programme in an Intensive Care Department of a teaching referral center.
Abstract Objectives 1. To determine the satisfaction of tutors and residents with a specific methodology used to implement CoBaTrICE. 2. To determine the reliability and validity of the global rating scales designed ad hoc to assess the performance of the residents for training purposes. Design Prospective cohort study. Participants All the residents and tutors of the ICU Department of the Hospital Universitario y Politecnico la Fe de Valencia. Intervention CoBaTrICE implementation started in March 2016, it was based on: (1) Training the tutors in feedback techniques; (2) Performing multiple objective and structured work based assessments to achieve the competences of the program; and (3) T…
Análisis de la aceptación y validez de los métodos utilizados para la implementación de un programa de formación basado en competencias en un servicio de Medicina Intensiva de un hospital universitario de referencia
Resumen Objetivos 1) Determinar la satisfaccion de tutores y residentes con la metodologia utilizada para la implementacion de CoBaTrICE, y 2) determinar la validez y la fiabilidad de las escalas de valoracion global disenados ad hoc para analizar el desempeno de los residentes con fines formativos. Diseno Estudio prospectivo de cohortes. Participantes Todos los residentes y tutores del Servicio de Medicina Intensiva del Hospital Universitario y Politecnico La Fe de Valencia. Intervencion En marzo del 2016 se inicio la implementacion de CoBaTrICE sustentada en: 1) formacion de los tutores en tecnicas de retroalimentacion; 2) realizacion por los residentes de multiples ejercicios reales de e…
Low Energy Gamma Ray Imager (LEGRI)
The Low Energy Gamma Ray Imager (LEGRI) will be one of the three instruments carried by the first MINISAT mission. LEGRI aims to demonstrate the technological feasibility of a new generation of low energy gamma-ray telescopes with imaging, medium resolution spectroscopy and high continuum sensitivity in the 20-200 keV spectral region, based on HgI2 solid state detector technology.
Improving Pattern Recognition Based Pharmacological Drug Selection Through ROC Analysis
The design of new medical drugs is a very complex process in which combinatorial chemistry techniques are used. The goal consists of discriminating between molecular compounds exhibiting or not certain pharmacological activities. Different machine learning approaches have been recently applied to different drug design problems leading to competitive results in pointing at particular compounds with high probability of exhibiting activity. The present work first deeps into the natural trade-off between accuracy in the much less populated active group and false alarm rate which could lead to too many expensive laboratory tests. Preliminary results show how different classification techniques a…
Background in low Earth orbits measured by LEGRI telescope – short and long term variability
Abstract In this paper we present the first Low Energy Gamma Ray Imager (LEGRI) background measurements which were carried out in the earlier nominal operation activities of LEGRI Instrument on board MINISAT-01, after initial spacecraft and instrument check-up procedures. Short term (daily) and expected long term background variability is presented. A background model is also discussed in order to be used for celestial γ-ray emitters observations.