Nadim Tayeh

Protéomique Shotgun des graines de féveroles : vers l’identification de protéines associées à la résistance aux bruches

Le protéome des graines en développement de lignées recombinantes issues du croisement entre desgénotypes de féverole résistants et sensibles aux bruches a été étudié par l’approche shotgun. Cetravail a permis d’identifier 749 protéines au début du remplissage des graines, dont 80 sontdifférentiellement accumulées entre les lignées sensibles et résistantes aux bruches. En plus de fournirun premier aperçu des protéines présentes à ce stade clé du développement des graines chez laféverole, ces données ont fait émerger des protéines candidates pour améliorer la résistance desgraines aux bruches. Parmi les protéines préférentiellement accumulée dans les lignées résistantes estune glycoprotéine …

research product

Unravelling the determinants of freezing tolerance in Medicago truncatula: a first step towards improving the response of crop legumes to freezing stress using translational genomics

International audience; Freezing is a major environmental limitation that affects biomass and seed productivity in a large number of crop species including legumes. Medicago truncatula is a model molecular‐genetic system for legume biology. A strategy to decipher freezing tolerance after a cold acclimation period in M. truncatula was developed using a quantitative genetic approach. Three main quantitative trait loci (QTL) with additive effects for freezing damage were detected on chromosomes 1, 4, and 6 using a recombinant inbred line population derived from a cross between the freezing‐tolerant accession F83005‐5 and the freezing‐sensitive accession DZA045‐5. The QTL on chromosome 6, named…

research product

LAGoPEDE, a French breeding project to develop frost tolerant and FEVITA® faba bean varieties

National audience; The INRA Plant Biology and Breeding division works together with the breeding company Agri Obtentions under the LAGoPEDE project to develop performant grain legume varieties for tomorrow’s agriculture. Grain legumes represent an important source of proteins for food and feed. One of the main targets of LAGoPEDE is to increase the area of cultivation and improve the seed quality of faba bean (Vicia faba) in France, by developing performant winter varieties well adapted to the North-East of the country. A frost tolerance screening of a diverse germplasm collection of 1,500 faba bean accessions available at INRA, Dijon was first conducted. Eleven frost-tolerant accessions we…

research product

Quel impact de la génomique végétale sur l’innovation variétale : l’exemple du projet PeaMUST. Le génome du pois: vers de nouvelles strategies de sélection.

International audience; L’avancée des technologies « nouvelle génération » de séquençage de l’ADN permettent une connaissance de plus en plus poussée des génomes et de leur expression. Ces connaissances permettent d’approcher plus finement les déterminants moléculaires des traits phénotypiques et ouvrent des perspectives d’augmentation du progrès génétique dans le cadre de la sélection variétale. Le pois est une espèce modèle depuis les travaux de G. Mendel conduisant à la découverte des lois de l’hérédité. La séquence du génome de cette espèce longtemps délaissée des approches de génomique a récemment été obtenue par un consortium international piloté par l’INRAE (1,2). Dans le cadre du pr…

research product

High-density genotyping of pea and faba bean diversity panels using exome capture

International audience; Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) represent a powerful tool to decipher the geneticdeterminism of complex traits in crop plants and to identify responsible genes. As GWAS require large diversitypanels segregating for the traits of interest, one faba bean and three pea collections were constituted toaddress different questions in the PeaMUST project. The faba bean panel comprises 248 accessions comingfrom five continents and displaying the phenotypic diversity of the species. The first pea collection includes239 accessions that represent the species diversity for aerial and root architecture and for biotic and abioticstress responses. The second and third pea pan…

research product

L’état de la recherche sur les légumineuses

International audience

research product

Beyond the sequencing of the pea genome: opportunities for genomics-based breeding and translational approaches

International audience; The tribe Fabeae comprises more than 300 legume species, including some of the most ancient and important crops like Pisum sativum (pea), Lens culinaris (lentil), and Vicia faba (faba bean) used for food and feed. The genome sequence of pea, released in 2019, is an important milestone for the community working on legumes and especially on Fabeae. It brings into light evidences related to the genome expansion that occurred after the divergence of Fabeae from their sister tribes and highlights different chromosomal rearrangement events specific or not to the Pisum lineage. The pea genome sequence also represents a valuable resource to accelerate our understanding of th…

research product

Document de synthèse du groupe de travail "enjeux et questions de recherche sur protéines végétales communes entre les départements TRANSFORM & BAP"

National audience

research product

Principaux bio-agresseurs rencontrés ces dernières années (bactériose, pucerons, viroses et bruches)

National audience

research product

The Pea genome and after...

research product

The Pea genome and after …

Having a genome sequence available is a critical step towards unravelling functional diversity andestablishing genome-enabled breeding. The recently generated pea genome sequence represents a great toolfor genomicists, geneticists and breeders not only for the pea community but also for legume research. In thegenome project, re-sequencing data revealed the considerable diversity present in the Pisum genus. In thePeaMUST project, an unprecedented effort was made to genotype large pea collections using the exomecapture technology. This high-density SNP data was exploited in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) ona large number of traits related to yield, as well as response to biotic and ab…

research product

Beyond Pisum sativum genome : a first overview of fabeae tribe using orthology

Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is the second most important grain legume in the world after common bean and Gregor Mendel’s original genetic model. With a genome size of 4.3Gb and a large amount of transposable element, Pisum sativum was lagging behind other important legume crops for genomics development. We reported the first annotated chromosome-level reference genome assembly for pea (J. Kreplak et al 2019). Compared to other sequenced Leguminosae genomes, the pea genome shows intense gene dynamics, most likely associated with genome size expansion when the Fabeae diverged from it’s sister tribes. Other species like Vicia faba, with genome larger than pea, are still not sequenced and the sequen…

research product

Pea Genomics : What Else ?

BAP GEAPSIBAPGEAPSI; Legume use in arable rotations provides several significant ecological services that can help to meet the challenge of delivering high quality food in an environmentally sustainable manner. Among legumes, pea has long been a model species for geneticists. But despite its major role in the discovery of the laws of genetics by Mendel, the keys to decipher the impressive phenotypic diversity of the species have been lacking until recently. Under the impetus of large national and international programs, and driven by innovations in informatics and biotechnology, useful genomic resources are now available in pea. High precision mapping of the pea genome, an atlas of the expr…

research product

Towards bruchid resistance in pulses

Prod 2019-88ff BAP GEAPSI INRA; National audience; Seed weevils (Bruchus spp.) are major pests of pulses, causing yield losses and affecting marketability 1,2 . Available insecticides have low efficiency and important negative impacts on the environment, humans and non-target organisms. Therefore, breeding resistant varieties represent the most promising strategy to overcome seed weevils. The pyramiding of several resistance genes in cultivars is an important objective because this will make the resistance more durable and suitable for sustainable agriculture. The PeaMUST project (ANR-11-BTBR0002) aims at discovering the mechanisms of tolerance and resistance to bruchids in pea (Pisum sativ…

research product

RésiLens: A research project aiming at identifying bruchid and root rot resistance sources in lentil (Lens culinaris)

National audience; Introducing legumes in modern cropping systems increases crop diversity and reduces the use of external inputs. It thus contributes to achieving sustainable food and feed production. Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) is an environmentally friendly, nutritious, protein-rich legume food crop. It is grown in a wide range of climatic conditions and fixes atmospheric nitrogen through bacterial symbiosis. In France, lentil cultivated areas are continuously increasing but are still largely inferior to the areas cultivated with cereals or other legumes such as pea and faba bean. One of the most serious problems for lentil cultivation is due to the insect pests known as seed beetles …

research product

L'amélioration de la qualité de la graine dans toutes ses dimensions, par le levier génétique

Les légumineuses sont capables d’accumuler des quantités importantes de protéines dans leurs graines même en l’absence d’engrais azoté, ce qui fait d’elles des espèces à haut potentiel pour relever les défis alimentaires et accompagner la transition agroécologique. Des avancées génétiques ont permis de réduire la présence de certains facteurs « anti-nutritionnels » dans les graines de pois et de féverole (exemple des variétés pauvres en tanins, en inhibiteurs trypsiques, ou en vicine et convicine). Afin de promouvoir l’utilisation de ces graines en alimentation humaine, il est nécessaire d’aller plus loin dans l’amélioration de leur valeur nutritionnelle, en termes de teneur et composition …

research product

Bruchid resistance in pulses

Prod 2019-213a BAP GEAPSI INRA; National audience

research product

NeoLeg, a graph database for translational research in pulses

Legumes, and especially pulses, are an important source of protein for food and feed, and are appreciated or their positive impact on the “one health”. However their yields are sometimes unstable and their tolerance to some biotic and abiotic stresses highlight the need for varietal improvement to increase the cultivated area and stabilize the production.With the advent of sequencing technologies, a large pool of genetic and genomic resources, heterogeneous at the inter- and intra-species scale, is emerging. Thus, it is now time to capitalize on these scattered heterogeneous data to develop translationnal research and boost breeding projects.To meet this need, we undertook the development o…

research product

L’innovation variétale chez les légumineuses à graines. Webinaire - Share & Learn Valorisation.

research product

Co-concepdes variétés de féveroles à valeur nutritionnelle améliorée pour l'homme et l'animal : cible de la sélection réaliste, permise par la variabilité génétique disponible et par les outils moléculaires développés en appui à la selection variétale

National audience

research product

Les avancées en génomique légumineuses à graines et perspectives

National audience

research product

Taking cool-season grain legume breeding to the next level: the key role of the pea genome sequence

International audience; The transition from a standalone phenotypic selection to a marker-assisted selection has been seen as a great step forward to improve the breeding process and reach the expected goals. More recently, the genomic revolution has also had its great impact on breeding. -omics are now part of the required toolkit for a successful, cost and time-efficient breeding. The genome sequence of pea (Pisum sativum) has been made available in 2019 through a collaborative international effort. This is a great tool for the pea community in general and the Fabeae community in particular. Current challenges facing pea and other Fabeae production are numerous. A large number of traits h…

research product

Diversification des cultures, exemple de la lentille et biologie translationnelle

National audience; Présentation de l'Atelier :Les protéines sont des macronutriments majeurs dans l’alimentation des hommes et des animaux. Or la production de protéines végétales est toujours déficitaire en France qui a recours à des importations pour couvrir ses besoins.Les légumineuses contiennent plus de protéines que les céréales. En outre, leur culture contribue à la mise en œuvre de systèmes moins demandeurs en intrants qui peuvent ainsi, seuls, en rotation ou en mélange, contribuer efficacement à la démarche one health, vers une meilleure santé globale des hommes, des animaux, des cultures et de l’environnement. Améliorer la qualité des protéines végétales, tout en maintenant voire …

research product

Taking cool-season grain legume breeding to the next level: the key role of the pea genome sequence

The transition from a standalone phenotypic selection to a marker-assisted selection has been seen as a great step forward to improve the breeding process and reach the expected goals. More recently, the genomic revolution has also had its great impact on breeding. -omics are now part of the required toolkit for a successful, cost and time-efficient breeding. The genome sequence of pea (Pisum sativum) has been made available in 2019 through a collaborative international effort. This is a great tool for the pea community in general and the Fabeae community in particular. Current challenges facing pea and other Fabeae production are numerous. A large number of traits has also to be tackled in…

research product

Complementary approaches towards the discovery of genes controlling yield in pea

International audience; Pea is one of the most important grain legumes in the world. Improving pea yield is a critical breedingtarget in the current context of consumers’ increasing demand for plant proteins for food and feed. Becauseof its polygenic nature and the impact of the environment, breeding for higher yield is challenging. Weinvestigated the genetic determinism of yield (SW), seed number (SN) and thousand seed weight (TSW) usingboth linkage and linkage-disequilibrium approaches.Nine interconnected mapping populations, representing a total of 1,213 recombinant inbred lineswere phenotyped for SW, SN and TSW in six different field environments. These lines were genotyped usingthe Gen…

research product

RÉSIBRUCHE : Validation des régions génomiques impliquées dans la resistance aux BRUCHES chez la féverole et identification des mécanismes sous-jacents

research product

The pea genome and beyond

International audience; The recently generated pea genome sequence is a significant step for the pea research community towards unravelling functional diversity and establishing genome-enabled breeding. Re-sequencing data reveal the considerable diversity present in the Pisum genus. High-throughput genotyping is now available to explore large collections using the exome capture technology in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) or tackle map-based QTL cloning. Furthermore, genomic selection strategies have been developed in order to tackle complex traits such as yield regularity and improve selection efficiency. We will present snapshots of these results and discuss potential transfer of …

research product

Des avancées en génétique pour lutter contre les stress

National audience; Plusieurs projets de recherche en cours aideront à créer des variétés résistantes à divers bioagresseurs (aphanomyces chez le pois et la lentille, botrytis chez la féverole, puceron chez le pois, bruche chez la féverole et lentille) et tolérantes aux stress abiotiques (gel, stress hydrique) à plus ou moins long terme selon la complexité du caractère.

research product

Voies de progrès génétique pour les légumineuses en Europe et en Afrique du Nord

National audience; Comme source de protéines, tant pour l’alimentation humaine qu’animale, les variétés de légumineuses àgraines et fourragères qui ont la capacité d’utiliser la ressource azotée de l’air, constituent des leviersimportants pour la construction d’une agriculture durable. Que ce soit en Europe ou en Afrique du Nord, uneforte demande variétale se développe pour les légumineuses, afin de répondre au besoin d’une diversitéd’espèces et de systèmes de culture pourvoyeurs de services alimentaires, environnementaux etécologiques. Un progrès génétique a été fait au courant des dernières décennies mais reste limité à cause deverrous biotechniques, financiers et parfois organisationnels…

research product

Development of a knowledge graph framework to ease and empower translational approaches in plant research: a use-case on grain legumes

Legumes, and especially pulses, are an important source of protein for food and feed, and are appreciated for their positive impact on the “one health”. However, their unstable yields and their susceptibility to biotic and abiotic stresses highlight the need for varietal improvement in order to increase the cultivated areas and productivity. With the advent of sequencing technologies, a large pool of genetic and -omics resources, heterogeneous at the inter- and intra-species scale, is emerging. Thus, it is important to capitalize on these scattered heterogeneous data to develop translational research to boost breeding projects and crop diversification. To meet this need, we undertook the de…

research product

Translational genomics for identifying the biological functions linked to pulse stress resistance and adaptation to agroecological cropping systems

Legumes, and especially pulses, are an important source of protein for food and feed, and areappreciated for their positive impact on the “one health”. However, their unstable yields andtheir susceptibility to biotic and abiotic stresses highlight the need for varietal improvement inorder to increase the cultivated areas and productivity. With the advent of sequencingtechnologies, a large pool of genetic and -omic resources, heterogeneous at the inter- and intraspecies scale, is emerging. Thus, it is important to capitalize on these scattered heterogeneousdata to develop translational research and boost breeding projects and crop diversification.To meet this need, we undertook the developme…

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A la découverte du génome pois

National audience

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Pea in the genomic era

Pea in the genomic era. Séminaire IFR AIB (Agrobiosciences, Interactions & Biodiversité)

research product

Projet CasDAR RésiLens, tout savoir sur le projet et sur la diversité génétique de la lentille

research product

Contribution de l'équipe ECP à l'innovation variétale (projets IVD (sélection assistée par marqueurs, programmeféverole) et Specifics (speed breeding) ; ouverture aux nouvelles approches

research product

Beyond the sequencing of the pea genome: opportunities for genomics-based breeding and translational approaches

The tribe Fabeae comprises more than 300 legume species, including some of the most ancient and important crops like Pisum sativum (pea), Lens culinaris (lentil), and Vicia faba (faba bean) used for food and feed. The genome sequence of pea, released in 2019, is an important milestone for the community working on legumes and especially on Fabeae. It brings into light evidences related to the genome expansion that occurred after the divergence of Fabeae from their sister tribes and highlights different chromosomal rearrangement events specific or not to the Pisum lineage. The pea genome sequence also represents a valuable resource to accelerate our understanding of the molecular basis of agr…

research product