Peter Neumann
Landscape type and floral resources modify plant-pollinator network structure and stability: implications for pathogen exchange. VOODOO Consortium
Pollinators face multiple, potentially interacting threats from human activities. The Biodiversa VOODOO project (https://voodoo-project.eu/) seeks to understand how landscape-use, through its impact on floral resources, affects plant-pollinator communities and the transmission of viruses between pollinator species. We present initial results to show how the architecture of plant-pollinator networks varies among agricultural, habitat mosaic, and urban landscapes, with consequences for co-extinctions. We show how modification of floral resources can affect network structure to shape interspecific transmission of viral pathogens and we provide early results that show how niche overlap among sp…
Landscape type and floral resources modify plant-pollinator network structure and stability: implications for pathogen exchange
Pollinators face multiple, potentially interacting threats from human activities. The Biodiversa VOODOO project (https://voodoo-project.eu/) seeks to understand how land-use, through its impact on floral resources, affects plant pollinator communities and the transmission of viruses between pollinator species. Land-use can modify plant-pollinator network structure (e.g. connectance, nestedness, modularity) in ways that modulate the vulnerability of communities to coextinctions propagated through losses of interspecific links between mutualist partners.Using a Stochastic Co-extinction Model (SCM) we correlated plant-pollinator coextinction cascades with network structure in agricultural, rur…