B. Thierry

Forming pressure dependence of the ferroelectric domain structure in green barium titanate pellets

Abstract Modifications of the X-ray diffraction line profiles by die pressing of fine grained powders of barium titanate have been studied. Two main parameters have been considered: the forming pressure and the mechanical characteristics of the binder. The higher the forming pressure, the greater the modifications of the line profiles. Furthermore, the phenomena seems to be related to pressing only; no significant effect related to the nature of the binder has been shown. The modifications of the diffraction line profiles are interpreted by considering a reduction of the size of the ferroelectric domains during pressing. In order to confirm this interpretation, the behaviour of the domain s…

research product

Caractérisation de poudres de zircone synthétisées par voie hydrothermale

La synthese hydrothermale permet la realisation de poudres fines cristallisees et desagglomerees Ces qualites sont appropriees a l'elaboration de composites fins oxyde/oxyde par synthese simultanee des deux phases. Nous avons developpe ce protocole pour la realisation de nanocomposites ahrmine/zircone (Q). Nous presentons ici plus particulierement le travail effectue sur la zircone, Les conditions de traitement hydrothermal et d'un traitement thermique modere supplementaire sont analysees en relation avec les caracteristiques des poudres synthetisees. Differentes techniques complementaires sont utilisees pour ces poudres de zircone: diffraction des rayons X (% de la phase quadratique, taill…

research product