Plastic deformation of selenium single crystals ina glide and X-ray observation of the induced substructure
In the plastic deformation of trigonal selenium, a glide in the prismatic planes {1010} is found to be thermally activated, as in tellurium. The activation parameters are determined and a value for the maximum activation energy ΔGmax ≈ (0.6 ± 0.1) eV is obtained. The elastic limit increases up to σ ≈ 100 N mm−2 at low temperatures while it is only σ ≈ 1 N mm−2 at room temperature, i.e. in the athermal region. The deformation induced dislocation substructure is studied by X-ray reflection topography at different temperatures from 77 to 300 K in melt-grown single crystals. It is found that glide polygonization occurs forming rough tilt subgrain boundaries in the prismatic planes. In the ather…