Vitaliti Sm

Indagine Clinico Epidemiologica su 132 Nati da Gravidanze Multiple

AbstractL'epidemiologia delle gravidanze multiple si è notevolemente modificata nel corso degli ultimi due decenni in virtù del perfezionamento e della diffusione delle tecniche di riproduzione assistita. L'utilizzazione di induttori farmacologici della ovulazione (specie le gonadotropine ed il citrato di clomifene) e l'impianto in utero di più embrioni fecondati in vitro, sono fattori che maggiormente hanno contribuito a fare impennare verso l'alto il numero di nati da gravidanze plurigemine. L'incidenza di parti trigemini, ad esempio, considerata gli inizi degli anni '70 di circa 1:10,000 parti, oggi si è elevata sino ad 1:3,500 circa.Presentiamo i dati relativi a 132 soggetti nati da gra…

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Two new cases of Thrombocytopenia Absent Radius (TAR) syndrome: Clinical, Genetic and Nosologic Features

Two unrelated children affected by TAR syndrome, autosomic recessive disease with congenital thrombocytopenia and bilateral radial aplasia, are described. In the first case a mild thrombocytopenia has been compatible with a fairly normal life until the second year of age. The other child shows radial aplasia associated with other anomalies of the upper limbs, severe thrombocytopenia and leukemoid reaction. The relationship among TAR syndrome, Fanconi's anemia and Roberts' syndrome are briefly discussed.

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Ernia diaframmatica congenita. Analisi dei fattori prognostici in 27 pazienti (2000-2006)

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Neonatal sepsis caused by Ralstonia pickettii

e describe the clinical case of apremature newborn, born at 26weeks by cesarean delivery, followed inthe neonatal intensive care unit. Themother was diabetic with adequate con-trol during pregnancy.Neonatal weight was 930 g;APGAR score 3 at 1 minute and 8 at 5minutes. She received forced ventilationby endotracheal tube and parenteralnutrition by a central venous catheter.She was treated with ampicillin for thefirst 20 days of life. At 25 days, apneaand bradychardia episodes occurredwith a progressive increment in sever-ity and frequency. Leukocytes, C-re-active protein, cerebral echography,and echocardiogram were normal.Oralfeeding was transiently stopped and rani-tidine treatment was starte…

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Le problematiche IUGR nei gemelli

Intrauterin Growth Retardation is more common among twins than singleton. The reduction of intrauterine enviroment and level of transplacental diffusion of nutrients are main responsible factors. Moreover, anastomosis of vessels between the arterial and venous systems of twins may induce a different irroration and a discordance of growth. Levels of discordane greater than 25% between twin may be associated with a twin¬twin transfusion syndrome, in which the donor is pale and ischemic and the recipient shows hemodynamic troubles within the spectrum of a hyperviscosity syn¬drome. These twins show an additional risk of morta¬lity and morbidity with respect to singleton and con¬cordant twins. T…

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La dimissione del neonato “ a rischio”.

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La neurofibromatosi 1 in età evolutiva: contributo casistico e revisione clinica

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A case of Kawasaki disease mimicking acute appendicitis

Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute vasculitis of unknown aetiology occurring mostly in infants and young children. KD is characterized by fever (≥5 days), conjunctivitis, rash, cervical lymphadenopathy, lips, oral mucosa, palms and soles erythema, hands and feet oedema [1]. Coronary artery aneurysms develop in 15-25% of untreated children [2] with risk of ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, sudden death [3;4]. Treatment with intravenous gamma globulins (IVIG) within the first 10 days reduces the incidence of aneurysms to <5% [4]. The KD diagnosis is clinical, based on the recognition of a characteristic set of signs and symptoms [4]. Children not meeting traditional criteria are c…

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