Giuseppe Arbia
Institutions and geography: Empirical test of spatial growth models for European regions
Abstract This article provides an empirical assessment of the growth experiences of European regions, during the period 1991–2004, by taking into account the spatial effects due to both institutions and geography. These effects have been modelled by means of specific controls and by using a non-conventional spatial weight matrix. Results favour a model dealing with substantive spatial externalities. Within this framework, the country-specific institutions are strongly and positively related to the regional productivity's growth rate. In addition, the geo-institutional proximity increases the spatial dependence of the regional output per worker and raises the speed of convergence. By contras…
Advances in spatial economic data analysis: methods and applications
Spatial economic studies traditionally exploit areal data at the regional or sub-regional level. More recently, scholars have started to exploit spatial data of a different nature and, at the same time, extend the fields of application in economics. Specifically, this special issue contributes to the spatial economic literature by providing empirical evidence on a wide range of phenomena (socio-economic deprivation, land price volatility, electoral competition, real estate market, firm survival and tourism economics) and exploiting data at the municipality, firm, house and even individual level. At the same time, it tackles some of the methodological issues faced by the above-mentioned anal…