Pedro Frederico Valadão
The road to 21 seconds: A case report of a 2016 Olympic swimming sprinter
This study aimed to describe training characteristics as well as physical, technical and morphological changes of an elite Olympic swimming sprinter throughout his road to 21 s in the 50 m freestyle. Over a ∼2.5-year period, the following assessments were obtained: external training load, competitive performance, instantaneous swimming speed, tethered force, dry-land maximal dynamic strength in bench press, pull-up and back squat and body composition. From 2014 to 2016, the athlete dropped 3.3% of his initial best time by reducing total swimming time (i.e. the total time minus 15-m start time – from 17.07 s to 16.21 s) and improving the stroke length (from 1.83 m to 2.00 m). Dry-land stren…
Development of an individualized familiarization method for vertical jumps
OBJETIVO: Propor um método de familiarização individualizado para saltos verticais e verificar o seu efeito na variabilidade intrassujeito. MÉTODOS: Cinquenta e três homes (média ± DP; idade 23,5 ± 3,3 anos; estatura 1,76 ± 0,08 m; massa 72,8 ± 8,6 kg; percentual de gordura 12,9 ± 5,2%) realizaram sucessivos saltos até atingir o nível de estabilidade proposto. Após 48 h este processo era repetido e a estabilidade entre dias era verificada, se necessário, mais sessões eram realizadas. O nível de estabilidade foi determinado por um teste z, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. Após o processo de familiarização, duas sessões experimentais adicionais foram realizadas para determinar a confiabilid…
Effects of muscle action type on corticospinal excitability and triceps surae muscle-tendon mechanics.
This study investigated whether the specific motor control strategy reported for eccentric muscle actions is dependent on muscle mechanical behavior. Motor evoked potentials, Hoffman reflex (H-reflex), fascicle length, pennation angle, and fascicle velocity of soleus muscle were compared between isometric and two eccentric conditions. Ten volunteers performed maximal plantarflexion trials in isometric, slow eccentric (25°/s), and fast eccentric (100°/s) conditions, each in a different randomized testing session. H-reflex normalized by the preceding M wave (H/M) was depressed in both eccentric conditions compared with isometric ( P < 0.001), while no differences in fascicle length and pe…