H. Bulten

Observation of DecaysB0→Ds(*)+π−andB0→Ds(*)−K+

We report the observation of decays B-0 -> D-s((*)+)pi(-) and B-0 -> Ds(*)-K+ in a sample of 230x10(6) Upsilon(4S)-> BB events recorded with the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II asymmetric-energy e(+)e(-) storage ring. We measure the branching fractions B(B-0 -> D-s(+)pi(-))=(1.3 +/- 0.3(stat)+/- 0.2(syst))x10(-5), B(B-0 -> Ds-K+)=(2.5 +/- 0.4(stat)+/- 0.4(syst))x10(-5), B(B-0 -> D-s(*+)pi(-))=(2.8 +/- 0.6(stat)+/- 0.5(syst))x10(-5), and B(B-0 -> Ds*-K+)=(2.0 +/- 0.5(stat)+/- 0.4(syst))x10(-5). The significances of the measurements to differ from zero are 5, 9, 6, and 5 standard deviations, respectively. This is the first observation of B-0 -> D-s(+)pi(-), B-0 -> D-s(*+)pi(-), and B-0 -> D…

research product

Search ForT,CP, andCPTViolation inB0−B¯0Mixing with Inclusive Dilepton Events

The authors report the results of a search for T, CP and CPT violation in B{sup 0}-{bar B}{sup 0} mixing using an inclusive dilepton sample collected by the BABAR experiment at the PEP-II B Factory. Using a sample of 232 million B{bar B} pairs, with a simultaneous likelihood fit of the same-sign and opposite-sign dileptons, they measure the T and Cp violation parameter |q/p|-1 = (-0.8 {+-} 2.7(stat.) {+-} 1.9(syst.)) x 10{sup -3}, and the CPT and CP parameters Im z = (-13.9 {+-} 7.3(stat.) {+-} 3.2(syst.)) x 10{sup -3} and {Delta}{Lambda} x Re z = (-7.1 {+-} 3.9(stat.) {+-} 2.0(syst.)) x 10{sup -3} ps{sup -1}. The statistical correlation between the measurements of Im z and {Delta}{Lambda} …

research product

Study of theDsJ*(2317)+andDsJ(2460)+mesons in inclusivecc¯production nears=10.6  GeV

A study of the $D_{sJ}^*(2317)^+$ and $D_{sJ}(2460)^+$ mesons in inclusive $c\bar{c}$ production is presented using 232~${\rm fb}^{-1}$ of data collected by the BaBar experiment near $\sqrt{s} = 10.6$~\gev. Final states consisting of a $D_s^+$ meson along with one or more $\pi^0$, $\pi^\pm$, or $\gamma$ particles are considered. Estimates of the mass and limits on the width are provided for both mesons and for the $D_{s1}(2536)^+$ meson. A search is also performed for neutral and doubly-charged partners of the $D_{sJ}^*(2317)^+$ meson.

research product

Measurement of the Pseudoscalar Decay ConstantfDsUsing Charm-Tagged Events ine+e−Collisions ats=10.58  GeV

Using 230.2 fb^(-1) of e+e- annihilation data collected with the BABAR detector at and near the peak of the Y(4S) resonance, 489 +/- 55 events containing the pure leptonic decay D_s^+ --> mu^+ nu_mu have been isolated in charm-tagged events. The ratio of partial widths Gamma(D_s^+ --> mu^+ nu_mu)/Gamma(D_s^+ --> phi pi^+) is measured to be 0.143 +/- 0.018 +/- 0.006 allowing a determination of the pseudoscalar decay constant f_{D_s} = (283 +/- 17 +/- 7 +/- 14) MeV. The errors are statistical, systematic, and from the D_s^+ --> phi pi^+ branching ratio, respectively.

research product

Search for rare quark-annihilation decays, B --> Ds(*) Phi

We report on searches for B- --> Ds- Phi and B- --> Ds*- Phi. In the context of the Standard Model, these decays are expected to be highly suppressed since they proceed through annihilation of the b and u-bar quarks in the B- meson. Our results are based on 234 million Upsilon(4S) --> B Bbar decays collected with the BABAR detector at SLAC. We find no evidence for these decays, and we set Bayesian 90% confidence level upper limits on the branching fractions BF(B- --> Ds- Phi) Ds*- Phi)<1.2x10^(-5). These results are consistent with Standard Model expectations.

research product

Dalitz plot analysis of the decay B±→K±K±K∓

We analyze the three-body charmless decay B-+/-->(KKK -/+)-K-+/--K-+/- using a sample of 226.0 +/- 2.5 million B (B) over bar pairs collected by the BABAR detector. We measure the total branching fraction and CP asymmetry to be B=(35.2 +/- 0.9 +/- 1.6)x10(-6) and A(CP)=(-1.7 +/- 2.6 +/- 1.5)%. We fit the Dalitz plot distribution using an isobar model and measure the magnitudes and phases of the decay coefficients. We find no evidence of CP violation for the individual components of the isobar model. The decay dynamics is dominated by the K+K- S-wave, for which we perform a partial-wave analysis in the region m(K+K-)< 2 GeV/c(2). Significant production of the f(0)(980) resonance, and of a sp…

research product

Study ofe+e−→pp¯via initial-state radiation atBABAR

The e{sup +}e{sup -}{yields}pp cross section is determined over a range of pp masses, from threshold to 4.5 GeV/c{sup 2}, by studying the e{sup +}e{sup -}{yields}pp{gamma} process. The data set corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 232 fb{sup -1}, collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II storage ring, at an e{sup +}e{sup -} center-of-mass energy of 10.6 GeV. The mass dependence of the ratio of electric and magnetic form factors, G{sub E}/G{sub M}, is measured for pp masses below 3 GeV/c{sup 2}; its value is found to be significantly larger than 1 for masses up to 2.2 GeV/c{sup 2}. We also measure J/{psi}{yields}pp and {psi}(2S){yields}pp branching fractions and set an upper limi…

research product

Study ofB→D(*)Ds(J)(*)decays and measurement ofDs−andDsJ(2460)−branching fractions

We present branching fraction measurements of twelve B meson decays of the form B --> D^(*)D_s(J)^(*). The results are based on Y(4S) decays in BBbar pairs. One of the B mesons is fully reconstructed and the other decays to two charm mesons, of which one is reconstructed, and the mass and momentum of the other is inferred by kinematics. Combining these results with previous exclusive branching fraction measurements, we determine BR(D_s^- --> phi pi^-) = (4.62 +/- 0.36_stat. +/- 0.51_syst.)%, BR(D_sJ(2460)^- --> D_s^*- pi^0) = (56 +/- 13_stat. +/- 9_syst.)% and BR(D-sJ(2460)^- --> D_s^- gamma) = (16 +/- 4_stat. +/- 3_syst.)%.

research product

Measurement of theB−→D0K*−branching fraction

From a sample of 232 million {Upsilon}(4S) {yields} B{bar B} events collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II B Factory in 1999-2004, they measure the B{sup -} {yields} D{sup 0} K*{sup -}(892) decay branching fraction using events where the K*{sup -} is reconstructed in the K{sub S}{sup 0}{pi}{sup -} mode and the D{sup 0} in the K{sup -}{pi}{sup +}, K{sup -}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup 0}, and K{sup -}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup -} channels: {Beta}(B{sup -} {yields} D{sup 0}K*{sup -}(892)) = (5.29 {+-} 0.30 (stat) {+-} 0.34 (syst)) x 10{sup -4}.

research product

Observation of a Charmed Baryon Decaying toD0pat a Mass Near2.94  GeV/c2

A search for charmed baryons decaying to $D^0 p$ reveals two states: the $\Lambda_c(2880)^+$ baryon and a previously unobserved state at a mass of [$2939.8\pm 1.3 \text{(stat.)}\pm 1.0 \text{(syst.)}$]~\mevcc and with an intrinsic width of [$17.5\pm 5.2 \text{(stat.)}\pm 5.9 \text{(syst.)}$]~\mev. Consistent and significant signals are observed for the $K^-\pi^+$ and $K^-\pi^+\pi^-\pi^+$ decay modes of the $D^0$ in 287 ${\rm fb}^{-1}$ annihilation data recorded by the BaBar detector at a center-of-mass energy of 10.58~${\rm GeV}/c^2$. There is no evidence in the $D^+ p$ spectrum of doubly-charged partners. The mass and intrinsic width of the $\Lambda_c(2880)^+$ baryon and relative yield of …

research product

Precision measurement of the Λ+c baryon mass

The $\Lambda_c^+$ baryon mass is measured using $\Lambda_c^+\to\Lambda K^0_S K^+$ and $\Lambda_c^+\to\Sigma^0 K^0_S K^+$ decays reconstructed in 232 fb$^{-1}$ of data collected with the BaBar detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy $e^+e^-$ storage ring. The $\Lambda_c^+$ mass is measured to be $2286.46\pm0.14\mathrm{MeV}/c^2$. The dominant systematic uncertainties arise from the amount of material in the tracking volume and from the magnetic field strength.

research product

Search for the decayB0→J/ψγ

We present the results of a search for the radiative decay B0 --> J/psi gamma in a data set containing 123 million Y(4S)--> B B-bar decays, collected by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e+e- storage ring at SLAC. We find no evidence for a signal and place an upper limit of B(B0 --> J/psi gamma) < 1.6 x 10^-6 at 90% confidence level.

research product

Measurement ofB¯0→D(*)0K¯(*)0branching fractions

We present a study of the decays (B) over bar (0)-> D-(*)0(K) over bar ((*)0) using a sample of 226x10(6) Upsilon(4S)-> B (B) over bar decays collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e(+)e(-) collider at SLAC. We report evidence for the decay of B-0 and (B) over bar (0) mesons to the (DKS0)-K-*0 final state with an average branching fraction B(B-0 ->(DK0)-K-*0)equivalent to(B((B) over bar (0)-> D-*0(K) over bar (0))+B(B-0 ->(DK0)-K-*0))/2=(3.6 +/- 1.2 +/- 0.3)x10(-5). Similarly, we measure B(B-0 ->(DK0)-K-0)equivalent to(B((B) over bar (0)-> D-0(K) over bar (0))+B(B-0 ->(DK0)-K-0))/2=(5.3 +/- 0.7 +/- 0.3)x10(-5) for the (DKS0)-K-0 final state. We measure B((K) over …

research product

Study of thee+e−→π+π−π0process using initial state radiation withBABAR

The process e+e- --> pi+ pi- pi0 gamma has been studied at a center-of-mass energy near the Y(4S) resonance using a 89.3 fb-1 data sample collected with the BaBar detector at the PEP-II collider. From the measured 3pi mass spectrum we have obtained the products of branching fractions for the omega and phi mesons, B(omega --> e+e-)B(omega --> 3pi)=(6.70 +/- 0.06 +/- 0.27)10-5 and B(phi --> e+e-)B(phi --> 3pi)=(4.30 +/- 0.08 +/- 0.21)10-5, and evaluated the e+e- --> pi+ pi- pi0 cross section for the e+e- center-of-mass energy range 1.05 to 3.00 GeV. About 900 e+e- --> J/psi gamma --> pi+ pi- pi0 gamma events have been selected and the branching fraction B(J/psi --> pi+ pi- pi0)=(2.18 +/- 0.19…

research product

Search for the rare decaysB0→Ds(*)+a0(2)−

We have searched for the decays B{sup 0}{yields}D{sub s}{sup +}a{sub 0}{sup -}, B{sup 0}{yields}D{sub s}*{sup +}a{sub 0}{sup -}, B{sup 0}{yields}D{sub s}{sup +}a{sub 2}{sup -} and B{sup 0}{yields}D{sub s}*{sup +}a{sub 2}{sup -} in a sample of about 230x10{sup 6} {upsilon}(4S){yields}BB decays collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory at SLAC. We find no evidence for these decays and set upper limits at 90% C.L. on the branching fractions: B(B{sup 0}{yields}D{sub s}{sup +}a{sub 0}{sup -})<1.9x10{sup -5}, B(B{sup 0}{yields}D{sub s}*{sup +}a{sub 0}{sup -})<3.6x10{sup -5}, B(B{sup 0}{yields}D{sub s}{sup +}a{sub 2}{sup -})<1.9x10{sup -4}, and B(B{sup 0}{yields}D…

research product

Measurements of the branching fraction and time-dependentCPasymmetries ofB0→J/ψπ0decays

We present measurements of the branching fraction and time-dependent CP asymmetries in B{sup 0} {yields} J/{psi}{pi}{sup 0} decays based on (231.8 {+-} 2.6) x 10{sup 6} {Upsilon}(4S) {yields} B{bar B} decays collected with the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II asymmetric-energy B factory. We obtain a branching fraction {Beta}(B{sup 0} {yields} J/{psi}{pi}{sup 0}) = (1.94 {+-} 0.22 (stat) {+-} 0.17 (syst)) x 10{sup -5}. We also measure the CP asymmetry parameters C = -0.21 {+-} 0.26 (stat) {+-} 0.06 (syst) and S = -0.68 {+-} 0.30 (stat) {+-} 0.04 (syst).

research product

Thee+e−→3(π+π−),2(π+π−π0)andK+K−2(π+π−)cross sections at center-of-mass energies from production threshold to 4.5 GeV measured with initial-state radiation

We study the processes e^+e^- → 3(π^+π^-)γ, 2(π^+π^-π^0)γ and K^+K^-2(π^+π^-)γ, with the photon radiated from the initial state. About 20 000, 33 000 and 4000 fully reconstructed events, respectively, have been selected from 232  fb^(-1) of BABAR data. The invariant mass of the hadronic final state defines the effective e^+e^- center-of-mass energy, so that these data can be compared with the corresponding direct e^+e^- measurements. From the 3(π^+π^-), 2(π^+π^-π^0) and K^+K^-2(π^+π^-) mass spectra, the cross sections for the processes e^+e^- → 3(π^+π^-), e^+e^- → 2(π^+π^-π^0) and e^+e^- → K^+K^-2(π^+π^-) are measured for center-of-mass energies from production threshold to 4.5 GeV. The unc…

research product

Search for the decay B0→a1±ρ∓

We present a search for the rare B-meson decay B-0 -> a(1)(+/-)rho(-/+) with a(1)(+/-)->pi(+)pi(-)pi(+/-). We use (110 +/- 1.2)x10(6) Upsilon(4S)-> B (B) over bar decays collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory at SLAC. We obtain an upper limit of 30x10(-6) (90%C.L.) for the branching fraction product B(B-0 -> a(1)(+/-)rho(-/+))B(a(1)(+/-)->pi(+)pi(-)pi(+/-)), where we assume that the a(1)(+/-) decays exclusively to rho(0)pi(+/-).

research product

Measurements of the Branching Fraction andCP-Violation Asymmetries inB0→f0(980)KS0

The authors present measurements of the branching fraction and CP-violating asymmetries in the decay B{sup 0} {yields} f{sub 0}(980)K{sub S}{sup 0}. The results are obtained from a data sample of 123 x 10{sup 6} {Upsilon}(4S) {yields} B{bar B} decays. From a time-dependent maximum likelihood fit they measure the branching fraction {Beta}(B{sup 0} {yields} f{sub 0}(980)({yields}{Pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup 0})K{sup 0}) = (6.0 {+-} 0.9 {+-} 0.6 {+-} 1.2) x 10{sup -6}, the mixing-induced CP violation parameter S = 1.62{sub -0.51}{sup +0.56} {+-} 0.09 {+-} 0.04 and the direct CP violation parameter C = 0.27 {+-} 0.36 {+-} 0.10 {+-} 0.07, where the first errors are statistical, the second systematic and …

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