René Mouterde
Un escarpement sous-marin permanent du Lias à l'Eocène, dans la dorsale calcaire Péloritaine (Sicile, Italie)
The schistosity of the Palaeozoic basement of the Capo San Andrea unit (Peloritan Dorsale) is cut by Liassic to Eocene neptunian dykes which developed along a pelagic fault scarp exposed on the sea bottom for 140 My. The Mesozoic structures determined the location of the Alpine deformation.
Fuciniceras paradoxus nov. sp. (Harpoceratinae, Ammonitina) du Domérien portugais. Réflexion sur le sens taxonomique d’un assemblage paradoxal de caractères
A new ammonite (Fuciniceras paradoxus) is described here. This Lower Domerian species is based on a recently revised collections which came from the Maria Pares section (Rabacal area, South of Coimbra, Portugal). Curiously, shell of F. paradoxus bears both diagnostic traits for the genus Protogrammoceras SPATH (e.g. acute ogival ventral area) and Fuciniceras HAAS (e.g. angulirursiradiate rib). Thus, the new species can be viewed as a morphological puzzle and as a challenge for taxonomists. The amazing collection of morphological traits previously suspected as highly improbable because of biomechanical constraints (1) confirms the inadequacy of the traditional use of the genera Protogrammoce…