Intimate Partner Violence in Self-Identified Lesbians
This article presents the first systematic review on intimate partner violence (IPV) in self-identified lesbians in same-sex couples. Studies published from January 1990 to December 2013 were analyzed. Of the 687 studies reviewed, 59 were preselected, of which 14 studies were selected that met the inclusion and methodological quality criteria. A summary is presented of the characteristics of the studies, the participants, the prevalence of IPV victimization and perpetration, and its correlates. All the studies were carried out in the United States and used a nonprobabilistic sampling method. The majority of participants were White with a high educational level. The results indicate that all…
Mother-infant interaction and children's socio-emotional development with high- and low-risk mothers.
Charting the dynamic character of mother-infant interaction requires using observational systems of sequential coding in real time. A longitudinal study was designed to approach maternal sensitivity in a more complex way using sequential analysis. The study was conducted with 20 high- and 20 low-risk mothers and their infants (aged: 3, 12 and 15 months) to examine the relation among mothers' risk status for physical abuse and their maternal interactive profiles, using micro-social sequential analyses, and the subsequent quality of attachment developed by their children at 15 months of age. Results showed significantly different timings in maternal responses in high- and low-risk groups, tha…
Parental and Infant Gender Factors in Parent-Infant Interaction: State-Space Dynamic Analysis.
This study aimed to investigate the influence of parental gender on their interaction with their infants, considering, as well, the role of the infant’s gender. The State Space Grid (SSG) method, a graphical tool based on the non-linear dynamic system (NDS) approach was used to analyze the interaction, in Free-Play setting, of 52 infants, aged 6 to 10 months, divided into two groups: half of the infants interacted with their fathers and half with their mothers. There were 50% boys in each group. MANOVA results showed no differential parenting of boys and girls. Additionally, mothers and fathers showed no differences in the Diversity of behavioral dyadic states nor in Predictability. However…
La evaluación del abuso sexual infantil: comparación entre informes periciales en función del diagnóstico de abuso
El objetivo del presente trabajo es comparar las diferencias existentes entre informes psicológicos periciales que confirman el diagnóstico de abuso sexual infantil de los que no lo confirman. Los datos proceden de 61 informes sobre menores remitidos a un servicio para el diagnóstico. Las variables se agruparon en: características de la familia, proceso de evaluación y consecuencias psicológicas. Los resultados muestran que hay más niños en el grupo de abuso que viven en familias con graves problemas de relación y/o drogodependencias y que tienen sentimientos negativos hacia el presunto perpetrador, si bien en esta muestra en un porcentaje elevado de casos el perpetrador utiliza amenazas y/…
The temporal dimension in the understanding of maternal sensitivity in caregiver-infant interactions: The 'Early Mother-Child Interaction Coding System'.
Abstract Caregiver-child interaction is known to play a central role in children’s socioemotional development, yet the diversity of measures commonly used to evaluate it call into question the nature of the construct being assessed. Contingency within caregiver-child interactions has been identified as a key dyadic process that requires taking a temporal perspective to evaluating interactions. The Early Mother-Child Interaction Coding System is a psychometrically sound measure that sequentially code the flow of interactive and non-interactive behaviours within a caregiver-infant system. Its use of the framework of nonlinear dynamical systems (NDS) expands our understanding of contingent car…
Modifying the family process in two cases of physical child abuse and secondary functional encopresis
In this article, a treatment working model is proposed and applied to two cases of multiproblem families with severe physical child abuse. Stimulus events that directly affect the likelihood of a physically abusive episode and setting factors that play an important indirect role because they increase the number of confrontations and decrease parental competence are considered. The child abuse cases involved major parenting deficits, maternal psychopathology, a major psychosomatic problem (childhood encopresis), and symptoms of childhood conduct disorder, which occurred in a setting of family distress, low income, and sibling distress. This study demonstrates how a two-phase comprehensive p…
Improving child maltreatment detection systems: a large-scale case study involving health, social services, and school professionals.
Abstract Objectives: The purpose of this 5-year study was to improve detection in two consecutive phases: (a) To close the gap between the number of identified cases and the actual number of cases of child abuse by increasing detection; and (b) To increase the possibility of a broader spectrum of detection. Method: The Balearic Islands (one of the Autonomous Communities of Spain, with 161,287 children under 18 years old) was selected as the study area. Phase 1: front-line professionals (181) from all the health and social services agencies were trained in detection. Phase 2, school professionals (251) from all schools in the territory were also trained. The independent factor was the interv…
La investigación sobre comportamiento animal en España: un análisis bibliométrico de los artículos publicados entre 1970 y 1989
In this paper we analyze the research conducted by Spanish scientists in the last decades in the field of animal behavior. With this objective in mind we have constructed a database composed of 614 scientific papers published between 1970 and 1989 in 182 referred national and international journals. Analysis of this data base by means of bibliometric techniques provides information concerning trend s in the publication of scientific papers, journals and languages chosen for publication of research results, researchers and their working centers, and topic s and zoological groups investigated.<br><br>Nuestro objetivo en este artículo es analizar la investigación realizada por los …
Efecto de la dosis de intervención del Programa de Apoyo Psicológico P/Materno Infantil© sobre las madres y sus bebés
This paper presents an analysis of the intervention dose-effect of the Parent Child Psychological Support Program© (Cerezo 1990) a program aimed at promoting protective adaptive system in children which is offered to all new-borns in a given catchment area. The program offers support to parents during the first 18 months of the baby's life. The program dose-effect is examined regarding the parents by examining the level of distress reported by them and with babies by examining the development of attachment using the Strange Situation test of Ainsworth et al. (1978). The study is based on 342 families who made between 2 and 4 visits to the Program before being evaluation post-intervention. T…
La Cualidad del apego infantil y sensibilidad materna desde la perspectiva microsofial [The quality of attachment in childhood and maternal sensivity: from observation of behaviours to exploration of mental representations]
Research in the area of early mother-child interaction and the development of attachment, points to the importance of advancing the study of the maternal sensitivity construct. In this pa per we describe the process followed to opera cionalise and analyze “maternal sensitivity” us ing microsocial approach. This approach can reveal empirical sequential patterns in the in teractional dyadic context that cannot be cap tured with rating scales. To describe the re search process used, this paper presents: the CITMI-R ( Codigos de Interaccion Temprana Materno-Infantil , Early Mother ‐Child Interac tion Codes) coding system and its developments, some relevant findings using sequential analyses in …