R. Testolin

Anther culture in Citrus clementina: a way to regenerate tri-haploids

Abstract. Regenerants from anther culture of Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan. cvv. Nules, SRA 63, and Monreal were obtained in different experiments from 1994 to 2002. Genetic analysis of 37 such regenerants was carried out using 4 microsatellite markers that were heterozygous in the parental genotypes. The results showed that in all cases but one the regenerants carried only one or the other allele of the parental genotype, and were therefore homozygous and produced through a process of gametophytic embryogenesis. Ploidy analysis by flow cytometry of 94 regenerants showed that as many as 82% of them were tri-haploids, rather than haploids or doubled-haploids as expected, with other ploidy …

research product

SSR-based DNA fingerprints reveal the genetic diversity of Sicilian olive (Olea europaeaL.) germplasm

Twelve published simple sequence repeat (SSR; microsatellite) markers, belonging to the ssrOeUA-DCA, GAPU and UDO series, were tested in a panel of 46 accessions of olive germplasm belonging to 30 unique cultivars collected in seven Provinces of Sicily. Four well-known reference olive cultivars were also added. The analysis was carried out on an automatic capillary sequencer using fluorescent dyes, and fragment sizes were determined using internal standards. The results allowed us to rank the SSRs assayed according to their information content and reproducibility. Up to 115 alleles were identified (119, if those unique to sport mutations were included), the frequency of which allowed geneti…

research product

Gametic and somatic embryogenesis through in vitro anther culture of different Citrus genotypes

Abstract: In vitro tissue culture represents a useful technique for advancing Citrus breeding and propagation. Among in vitro regeneration systems, anther culture is commonly used to produce haploids and doubled haploids for a fast-track producing homozygous lines, in comparison with the traditional self-pollination approach, which involves several generations of selfing. In addition, anthers culture can produce somatic embryos that can also be used for clonal propagation. In this study, two thermal shocks were applied to the anthers of six Citrus genotypes (two clementine and four sweet oranges), just after they were put in culture. The response obtained was different depending on the geno…

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