Molecular Analysis of the Androgen Receptor Gene in 52 Patients with Complete or Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome: A Collaborative Study
In patients with androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS), RFLP study of the androgen receptor gene made it possible to analyze whether deletions or mutations could be responsible for abnormalities in androgen responsiveness. We studied RFLPs of DNA from 25 46,XY patients with partial AIS (PAIS), defined as a concentration of androgen receptor in genital-skin fibroblasts less than 340 fmol/mg DNA, and DNA from 27 46,XY patients with complete AIS (CAIS) with no detectable androgen receptor site. DNA samples were digested with BamHI, EcoRI, HindIII and TaqI restriction enzymes and hybridized with three cDNA probes covering the three domains of the androgen receptor. When we had the maternal and …