Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki
The Case Study in Family Business : An Analysis of Current Research Practices and Recommendations
In this study, we identified and analyzed 75 articles in the family business (FB) literature between 2000 and 2014 as to the case study design they adopted. We found that the positivistic case study approach is the FB disciplinary convention. The two alternative approaches of critical realism and interpretivism are used to a significantly lesser extent. We anticipate that in the future the positivistic approach will continue to be used widely. The other two approaches can be employed to a higher extent since their use is likely to contribute to a scientific pluralism in FB case study research.
Case Studies in Family Business Research
Based on a review of 63 case studies from the family business field, the authors emphasize the potential of critical realist case studies for family business scholars. The review revealed that the positivistic case study introduced by Yin and Eisenhardt is the disciplinary convention of family business field. Since there are several events and mechanisms underspinning social phenomena, such as succession, they need to be both explanained (erklären, matching the positivist view) and understood (verstehen, matching the constructivist/interpretive view) which is the staring point of critical realism (Bhaskar, 1998; Sayer, 1992). Hence critical realis ontology can be very fruitful for future st…
Family business internationalisation and networks: emerging pathways
Purpose The aim of this study is twofold: to provide a meta-synthesis of the current state of knowledge in family business (FB) internationalisation research, adopting a network perspective, and to highlight emerging themes that may set the stage for future work on FB internationalisation, for the benefit of researchers adopting a network perspective. Design/methodology/approach To address the twofold purpose of the study, the current paper provides a state-of-the-art review of 25 peer-reviewed journal articles published from 1993 to 2014. This study also presents a meta-synthesis of the theoretical approaches, key findings and concepts that were pinpointed in the review, and proposes emer…