Xavier Le Roux
Hyperspectral optical near-field imaging: Looking graded photonic crystals and photonic metamaterials in color
International audience; Using a scanning near-field optical microscope operating with a hyperspectral detection scheme, we report the direct observation of the mirage effect within an on-chip integrated artificial material made of a two dimensional graded photonic crystal. The light rainbow due to the material dispersion is quantified experimentally and quantitatively compared to three dimensional plane wave assisted Hamiltonian optics predictions of light propagation.
Biodiversity-functioning relations in microorganisms
The role of microorganisms as key components in the functioning of ecosystems and biodiversity is discussed. The latest methodologies developed to study microbial diversity and functioning of ecosystems are considered, as DNA extraction and isotope labeling, fluorescent in situ hybridization and microautoradiography, and tracking of a substrate labeled with a stable isotope. Investigations related to correlations between microbial diversity and functioning in situ are considered. An example is illustrated of a correlation of erosion of microbial diversity of natural microbial community in prairie soil and erosion of species diversity in an ecosystem.
Recurrent inoculation: a strategy for a better survival of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain in soil
A growing interest is shown for microbial inoculants as a promising alternative to agrochemicals for sustainable agricultural. However, biotic and abiotic stresses are known to affect their establishment and effectiveness, leading to inconsistent performance in field conditions. At the same time, a poor survival of the strain is often observed, which constitutes a main hamper for bacterial inoculant development. We hypothesize that recurrent inoculations would improve the survival of the strain in soil. For this purpose, we tested different scenarios of inoculation of the plant growth promoting rhizobacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens in soil microcosms: a single inoculation, two inoculations …
Interactions surface continentale/atmosphère : l'expérience HAPEX-Sahel
L'évolution saisonnière des termes du bilan radiatif, du bilan d'énergie et la production primaire d'une savane humide d'Afrique de l'Ouest (Lamto, Côte d'Ivoire) a été suivie dans le cadre du programme SAvanes à Long Terme (SALT). Ces données ont permis de développer un modèle de simulation des échanges surface/atmosphère en savane humide, basé sur les relations fonctionnelles existant entre la production et la phénologie de la savane d'une part, et les bilans d'énergie et hydrique de ce type de surface d'autre part. Ce modèle est issu du couplage de deux sous-modèles fonctionnant au pas de temps journalier et utilisant des variables climatiques standard en entrée : le modèle de bilan d'én…
Towards an integrated approach to the microbial ecology of soil
2D Waveguided Bessel Beam Generated Using Integrated Metasurface-Based Plasmonic Axicon.
International audience; Near-field imaging of the propagation of a diffraction-free Bessel-type beam in a guided wave configuration generated by means of a metasurface-based axicon lens integrated on a silicon waveguide is reported. The operation of the axicon lens with a footprint as small as 11 μm2 is based on local engineering of the effective index of the silicon waveguide with plasmonic nanoresonators. This generic approach, which can be adapted to different types of planar lightwave circuit platforms, offers the possibility to design nano-engineered optical devicesbased on the use of plasmonic resonators to control light at the nanoscale.
Synchronie entre l'offre et la demande dans le cycle des nutriments: apprendre des écosystèmes naturels pour construire des agrosystèmes durables
Redesigning agrosystems with more ecological regulations can help feed a growing population, preserve soils for future productivity and reduce environmental impacts. However, guidelines for redesigning agrosystems from natural systems are limited. Reviewing the last knowledge of ecosystem functioning, we outlined four ecological systems synchronizing the supply of soluble nutrients by soil biota to fluctuating plant nutrient demand. This synchrony limits deficiencies and excesses of soluble nutrient, which usually penalize both production and regulating services of agrosystems such as nutrient retention and soil carbon storage. We detail how ecological systems promoting synchrony can be ins…