Andreas Schäfer
First moments of the nucleon generalized parton distributions from lattice QCD
We report on our lattice calculations of the nucleon's generalized parton distributions (GPDs), concentrating on their first moments for the case of N_f=2. Due to recent progress on the numerical side we are able to present results for the generalized form factors at pion masses as low as 260 MeV. We perform a fit to one-loop covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory with encouraging results.
Starting from a definition of transverse momentum-dependent parton distributions for semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering and the Drell-Yan process, given in terms of matrix elements of a quark bilocal operator containing a staple-shaped Wilson connection, a scheme to determine such observables in lattice QCD is developed and explored. Parametrizing the aforementioned matrix elements in terms of invariant amplitudes permits a simple transformation of the problem to a Lorentz frame suited for the lattice calculation. Results for the Sivers and Boer-Mulders transverse momentum shifts are presented, focusing in particular on their dependence on the staple extent and the Collins-Soper evol…
Lattice QCD calculations of transverse momentum-dependent parton distributions (TMDs)
An ongoing program of evaluating TMD observables within Lattice QCD is reviewed, summarizing recent progress with respect to several challenges faced by such calculations. These lattice calculations are based on a definition of TMDs through hadronic matrix elements of quark bilocal operators containing staple-shaped gauge connections. A parametrization of the matrix elements in terms of invariant amplitudes serves to cast them in the Lorentz frame preferred for a lattice calculation. Data on the naively T-odd Sivers and Boer-Mulders effects as well as the transversity TMD are presented.
Identifying spin and parity of charmonia in flight with lattice QCD
The spectrum of charmonium resonances contains a number of unanticipated states along with several conventional quark-model excitations. The hadrons of different quantum numbers $J^P$ appear in a fairly narrow energy band, where $J^P$ refers to the spin-parity of a hadron at rest. This poses a challenge for Lattice QCD studies of (coupled-channel) meson-meson scattering aimed at the determination of scattering amplitudes and resonance pole positions. A wealth of information for this purpose can be obtained from the lattice spectra in frames with nonzero total momentum. These are particularly dense since hadrons with different $J^P$ contribute to any given lattice irreducible representation.…
Chelate Cooperativity and Spacer Length Effects on the Assembly Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Divalent Pseudorotaxanes
Homo- and heterodivalent crown-ammonium pseudorotaxanes with different spacers connecting the two axle ammonium binding sites have been synthesized and characterized by NMR spectroscopy and ESI mass spectrometry. The homodivalent pseudorotaxanes are investigated with respect to the thermodynamics of divalent binding and to chelate cooperativity. The shortest spacer exhibits a chelate cooperativity much stronger than that of the longer spacers. On the basis of crystal structure, this can be explained by a noninnocent spacer, which contributes to the binding strength in addition to the two binding sites. Already very subtle changes in the spacer length, i.e., the introduction of an additional…
Nuclear-mass dependence of azimuthal beam-helicity and beam-charge asymmetries in deeply virtual Compton scattering
The nuclear-mass dependence of azimuthal cross section asymmetries with respect to charge and longitudinal polarization of the lepton beam is studiedfor hard exclusive electroproduction of real photons. The observed beam-charge and beam-helicity asymmetries are attributed to the interference between the Bethe-Heitler and deeply virtual Compton scattering processes. For various nuclei, the asymmetries are extracted for both coherent and incoherent-enriched regions, which involve different (combinations of) generalized parton distributions. For both regions, the asymmetries are compared to those for a free proton, and no nuclear-mass dependence is found.
Clinical practices to promote sleep in the ICU: A multinational survey
PURPOSE: To describe sleep assessment and strategies to promote sleep in adult ICUs in ten countries.METHODS: Multicenter, self-administered survey sent to nurse managers.RESULTS: Response rate was 66% with 522 ICUs providing data. 'Lying quietly with closed eyes' was the characteristic most frequently perceived as indicative of sleep by >60% of responding ICUs in all countries except Italy. Few ICUs (9%) had a protocol for sleep management or used sleep questionnaires (1%). Compared to ICUs in Northern Europe, those in central Europe were more likely to have a sleep promoting protocol (p < 0.001), and to want to implement a protocol (p < 0.001). In >80% of responding ICUs, the …
Sedimentation und Tektonik im mittleren Abschnitt des Rio Toro in der Ostkordillere NW-Argentiniens
Die bis 5000 m machtigen jungkanozoischen Sedimente im Hangenden der Grupo Salta wurden im Mittelabschnitt der Quebrada del Toro auskartiert und gegliedert, wobei ein vorwiegend aus Vulkanitkomponenten bestehendes Konglomerat als Leithorizont diente. Auf diese Sedimente sind von West und Ost altere Gesteine aufgeschoben, so das sie heute nur noch in dem Rio Toro-Keilgraben erhalten sind. Anhand der wechselnden Gerollfuhrung und lokaler Diskordanzen last sich nachweisen, das durch die Hebung der westlichen und ostlichen Randschollen der kontinentale Sedimentationsraum zunehmend eingeengt wurde. Die terrestrischen Sedimente im Rio ToroKeilgraben wurden erst zu einem relativ spaten Zeitpunkt d…
Dirac and Pauli form factors from lattice QCD
We present a comprehensive analysis of the electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon from a lattice simulation with two flavors of dynamical O(a)-improved Wilson fermions. A key feature of our calculation is that we make use of an extensive ensemble of lattice gauge field configurations with four different lattice spacings, multiple volumes, and pion masses down to m_\pi ~ 180 MeV. We find that by employing Kelly-inspired parametrizations for the Q^2-dependence of the form factors, we are able to obtain stable fits over our complete ensemble. Dirac and Pauli radii and the anomalous magnetic moments of the nucleon are extracted and results at light quark masses provide evidence for chiral …
Excited nucleons with chirally improved fermions
We study positive and negative parity nucleons on the lattice using the chirally improved lattice Dirac operator. Our analysis is based on a set of three operators chi_i with the nucleon quantum numbers but in different representations of the chiral group and with different diquark content. We use a variational method to separate ground state and excited states and determine the mixing coefficients for the optimal nucleon operators in terms of the chi_i. We clearly identify the negative parity resonances N(1535) and N(1650) and their masses agree well with experimental data. The mass of the observed excited positive parity state is too high to be interpreted as the Roper state. Our results …
The electron-nucleus collider project
Abstract In the context of the discussion about the future physics program of the GSI laboratory the physics potential of an electron-nucleus collider at about s = 1000GeV2 is being explored.
Lattice study of the Boer-Mulders transverse momentum distribution in the pion
The Boer-Mulders transverse momentum-dependent parton distribution (TMD) characterizes polarized quark transverse momentum in an unpolarized hadron. Techniques previously developed for lattice calculations of nucleon TMDs are applied to the pion. These techniques are based on the evaluation of matrix elements of quark bilocal operators containing a staple-shaped Wilson connection. Results for the Boer-Mulders transverse momentum shift in the pion, obtained at a pion mass of $m_{\pi} = 518\, \mbox{MeV} $, are presented and compared to corresponding results in the nucleon.