Satu Venäläinen


Struggles for moral value and the reproduction of gendered and racialised hierarchies in online discussions of violence

The article examines online discussions in Finland that focus on violence committed by Finnish women, on one hand, and non-white migrant men, on the other. Drawing on the perspective of sociology of value, the article illustrates how these discussions function as sites of struggles over moral worth in a contemporary context characterised by crises of both male and white hegemony. The authors suggest that, through the discussions, these current crises are projected on migrant men and certain groups of women, who thereby become construed as morally reprehensible. The analysis sheds light on processes of (re-)legitimating the moral virtue historically attached to both masculinity and whitenes…

research product

Nuorten mielialan, psykososiaalisen hyvinvoinnin ja elämänhallintavalmiuksien muutokset kuntoutuksessa sekä niiden yhteys kuntoutuksessa hyötymiseen : tutkimus syrjäytymisvaarassa oleville nuorille suunnatun intervention vaikuttavuudesta

research product

Affective (re)orientations in online discussions on the threat of violence posed by migrants

Online discussions are rife with fear-evoking images and meaning making that highlight a perceived threat to the security of European nations and their inhabitants posed by migrants’ violence in the wake of increased immigration. This paper examines the role of emotions in shaping anti-immigration views as a response to the threat of violence attached to migrants in online conversations. Using a dataset of Finnish online discussion threads from 2015 to 2017 that were prompted by extensive media attention paid to various cases of violent crime in which migrants were suspects, we particularly analyse the affective dynamics of interpellation processes wherein discussants are invited to adopt a…

research product

Naisliikunnanopettajien kohtaamat ongelmatilanteet peruskoulun yläluokkien liikuntatunneilla : opettajan ja oppilaiden näkökulma

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