G. Dardanelli


Geomatics or Geography, that is the question! This is how the authors' idea of merging Geomatics and Geography in this special issue begins, paraphrasing a Shakespearean citation. The common principle that unites these two scientific disciplines, which attempt to describe the territory in the most straightforward way possible. On the other hand, Geomatics and Geography derived from “gèo- “[greek γεω-], as first element of composed words in learned and scientific terminology, meaning “earth”, “globe”, “land surface”.

research product

Uso delle tecniche GNSS a supporto dei rilievi di infortunistica stradale

In the context of scientific research developed in recent years by DICAM, University of Palermo, a trend that is particularly interesting and multidisciplinary concerning the use of GNSS techniques in NRTK for applications of road accidents. The detections of the information relating to the left road today are conducted with standardized mode between those of local police; regarding the real relief it is realized with triangulation techniques, with the aid of manual instrumentation consists casters metrics in plastic or steel wires. The GNSS techniques in NRTK lend themselves well to this type of survey, the high information content and to manage different metadata (maps, coordinates, photo…

research product

La Chapelle des Dames un splendide exemple du baroque italien

Résumé Un des sujets les plus brûlants de la géomatique de ce début du XXIe siècle est la recherche des techniques les plus efficaces pour numériser et restituer les édifices modernes et historiques. Les premiers font l’objets de relevés pour constituer une maquette de type BIM, les seconds plus dans le cadre d’études académiques ou de documents de base pour des travaux de restoration. Le principal sujet de débat actuel peut se résumer en une phrase : « quelle technique pour quel relevé ? ». En effet, si d’un côté les relevés laser permettent de constituer des nuages de points extrêmement riches et détaillés (Costantino, 2013), il est ensuite souvent délicat de gérer correctement une telle …

research product

Маркшейдерия және геодезия

Развитие спутниковой системы ГЛОНАСС Созвездие позволило наличии эффективная система, которая обеспечивает важный вклад в любой ситуации съемки, Особенно, когда есть присутствие препятствиях к видимости спутника. Эта статья доклады о результатах испытаний, проведенных позиционирования с новым поколением Геодезические GNSS приемники поставляемых разными производителями для того, чтобы оценить вклад ГЛОНАСС созвездия NRTK (Network в режиме реального времени Кинематические) съемка в условиях критической GNSS спутников.Точные и конкретные результаты подтвердили двойного созвездия Приемники качества, даже тогда, когда Различия в экстремальных условиях были заметил.

research product

GPS-GIS integrated system for electromagnetic pollution

In these last years employment and spreading of GPS real-time kinematic techniques is greatly improved. Its application field is extended from traditional topographic surveys to environmental applications. In this work a monitoring project of electromagnetic pollution is shown; this project has been carried out in order to realize an infrastructure of measurement, transmissions, elaboration and management of surveyed data. In particular, the results of a research about the realization of a first prototype of advanced system based on the integration of GPS receivers and other sensors are shown. The research has been carried out in collaboration with "Dipartimento di Ricerche Energetiche ed A…

research product

Prime verifiche sull’uso dello scanning total station Trimble SX10 per il rilievo architettonico dei beni culturali

Il lavoro presenta alcuni test di rilievo di beni culturali eseguiti con l'ausilio della stazione totale scanner Trimble SX10. Le acquisiziomi sono state confrontate con i dati ottenuti da un comune laser scanner terrestre Faro Focus 3D S120. Come caso studio per effettuare i confronti è stato scelto il portico principale del Duomo di Monreale. I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato una buona rispondenza geometrica dei differenti dataset, anche in corrispondenza di dettagli di piccole dimensioni. Inoltre, l’utilizzo del Trimble SX10 è risultato particolarmente semplice ed intuitivo. Unico limite, per rilievi particolarmente complessi di beni culturali, potrebbe essere la velocità di acquisi…

research product

Long-term earthquake potential of active faults by using coastal and off-shore geological and morphological indicators

Seismogenic fault models and active deformation ones coupled with models of both earthquake rate and earthquake probability were recently used in a time-independent modelling. The integration of models allows to estimates the magnitude, location, and likelihood of potentially damaging earthquake ruptures in regions with high natural seismic hazard. Improvements of these models imply the recognition of the spatial geometry of the larger, active faults, deemed to be the source of the most damaging future earthquakes. However, identifying active faults and calculating their geologic slip rates for deriving earthquake rates are not easy tasks in regions inaccessible to direct field studies like…

research product

From land to sea: multi-scale and multi-resolution analysis of active deformation and seismogenic sources around the coasts of Southern Italy

During the last decade, we have blended our individual skills to form a research group devoted to investigating active crustal deformation in areas adjacent to the coast of Southern Italy, with the aim to bridge the gap between the onshore and offshore realms. Our research is based on a multi-scale and multi-resolution approach that includes high-resolution seismics, coastal morpho-tectonics and structural geology, complemented by seismicity, Global Positioning System and InSAR. Need and opportunities of such an endeavor arise from the basic observation that, although most population centers lie close to the coastal areas, very little is known about active structures at the sea. However, hi…

research product

Il GIS come strumento di fruizione territoriale e valorizzazione turistica

The goal of this work has been to achieve a Geographic Information System, using innovative cartographic representation of the land and landscape, which can provide to the end users an easier and immediate access regarding tourist, cultural and environmental information. This is an ongoing research, carried out in collaboration with the Department of Civil, Engineering, Environmental, Aerospace, Materials (DICAM) of University of Palermo, with the objective to 548 Atti 17a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA - Riva del Garda 5-7 novembre 2013 achieve a complete integration between software used only by qualified specialists in the field and online platforms display. To experience this work, has been…

research product