W. Carl Taylor
A contribution to the phylogeny and biogeography of the genus Isoetes (Isoetaceae, Lycopodiidae) in the Mediterranean region
To better understand the phylogeny of Isoetes species in the Mediterranean region, sequences of the second intron of a LFY-like homolog were determined for six populations of three Mediterranean Isoetes species and analyzed with other LFY and ITS sequences of Euro-Mediterranean species available in GenBank. Nomenclature of selected species was updated according to recent literature. Investigations of voucher specimens from previously sequenced taxa revealed that a specimen of I. histrix from Crete, Greece used in several previous molecular studies is probably I. phrygia. Analysis of the limited LFY and ITS DNA sequence data presented here agrees with the organization of Mediterranean specie…
The genus isoetes (Isoetaceae): A provisional checklist of the accepted and unresolved taxa
Isoetes is a widely distributed lycophyte genus of at least 200 species occurring in diverse habitats. The species can be difficult to identify because Isoetes, with its apparent simplicity of form and conserved morphology, provides few diagnostic features to reliably distinguish its species. The last worldwide monograph, published nearly a century ago, listed 77 taxa. The first step in producing a flora or monograph of all known species of a genus is to compile a list of the acceptable species names. The list presented here is a compilation of 192 accepted names representing taxa from regions around the world: chromosome numbers were assigned to 101 of them, with polyploidy settled on 46.7…