Julio Aguirre
Witnesses of the early Pliocene sea-level rise in the Manilva Basin (Málaga, S Spain)
The Sierra de la Utrera, a relief in the Manilva Basin (Malaga, SW Spain), shows bored surfaces at different heights above present-day sea level, from 96 m to 287 m. Borings occur in the eastern, central, and western parts of the Canuto de la Utrera, a prominent gorge in the central southern part of the relief excavated in Mesozoic limestones, as well as on the western end of the Canuto Chico, a smaller canyon in the northern part. Pliocene marine deposits fossilized the bored surfaces. Bored boulders of the substrate are embedded in the Pliocene sediments. The traces Gastrochaenolites ispp., Entobia ispp., Caulostrepsis ispp., Circolites kotoucensis, and Ericichnus asgaardi have been ident…
Amusium cristatum shell beds in the lower Pliocene deposits of Almería-Níjar Basin (SE Spain)
Densely packed monospecific-paucispecific Amusium cristatum-dominated shell beds are signifi cant features in the lower Pliocene deposits of the Almeria-Nijar Basin (SE Spain), embedded in distal prodelta fi ne-grained sand and silt. The shells in these concentrations are exceptionally well preserved: articulation is relatively high, fragmentation is low, abrasion is almost lacking, and many shells preserve the original colour pattern. These taphonomic signatures suggest in situ deposition forming autochthonous fossil assemblages, i.e. biological concentrations. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages found in the prodelta deposits indicate that they formed in mesotrophic mid-shelf settings.The A…