B. Roca
Pyomyositis of the iliacus muscle complicated with septic sacroiliitis
We report a rare case of pyomyositis of the iliacus muscle in a 29-year-old woman. After 2 weeks of adequate treatment, secondary septic sacroiliitis occurred, a complication that had not been described previously. Pyomyositis of the iliacus muscle must be considered in the differential diagnosis of acute pain in the hip region.
Infecciones por clamidias
Las clamidias son un grupo peculiar de bacterias, cuyo ciclo vital transcurre en parte en el interior de las células. Tienen la propiedad de adherirse a determinados epitelios, en los que pueden acabar produciendo infecciones. Existen tres especies patógenas para el hombre: Chlamydia trachomatis, que produce infecciones fundamentalmente en los epitelios genital y urinario, y C. psittaci y C. pneumoniae, que producen fundamentalmente infecciones respiratorias. A las dos últimas se les clasifica en la actualidad en un género diferente, el de las Chlamydophilas.
Hemoptisis y dorsalgia
The rapid atmospheric monitoring system of the Pierre Auger Observatory
The Pierre Auger Observatory is a facility built to detect air showers produced by cosmic rays above 1017 eV. During clear nights with a low illuminated moon fraction, the UV fluorescence light produced by air showers is recorded by optical telescopes at the Observatory. To correct the observations for variations in atmospheric conditions, atmospheric monitoring is performed at regular intervals ranging from several minutes (for cloud identification) to several hours (for aerosol conditions) to several days (for vertical profiles of temperature, pressure, and humidity). In 2009, the monitoring program was upgraded to allow for additional targeted measurements of atmospheric conditions shor…
Meningitis caused by Enterococcus gallinarum after lumbar drainage of cerebrospinal fluid.
We report a rare case of meningitis caused by Enterococcus gallinarum, a bacterium characterized by its ability to express low-level resistance to vancomycin. As in the three other previously reported cases, this one occurred in a patient with a cerebrospinal fluid drainage catheter and properly responded to antimicrobial therapy and removal of the drain.
Presentation and outcome of tuberculous meningitis in adults in the province of Castellon, Spain: a retrospective study
SUMMARYThe aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological and clinical features of tuberculous meningitis in the province of Castellon, Spain. Retrospective analysis was done of all cases attended during the last 15 years. The following groups of variables were assessed: sociodemographic data, medical antecedents, clinical presentation, imaging study results, analyses, cerebrospinal fluid microbiology, treatment, and outcome. Twenty-nine cases were included. Median of age of patients was 34 years, and 17 (59%) were males. HIV infection was present in 15 cases (52%), fever, the most common symptom, occurred in 27 (93%), nuchal rigidity was noted in only 16 (55%), and syndrome of inapp…
Dolor en la cadera de etiología poco común
Infecciones por micoplasmas
Los micoplasmas son microorganismos procariotas sin pared celular que habitualmente colonizan las mucosas respiratoria y urogenital. Las especies patogenas para el hombre son Mycoplasma pneumoniae, que produce infecciones respiratorias, entre ellas neumonias, y M. genitalium, M. hominis y Ureaplasma urealyticum, que producen infecciones urinarias y genitales. El diagnostico de estas infecciones se basa fundamentalmente en la serologia, ya que el cultivo de estos germenes es muy laborioso. Probablemente en un futuro cercano las tecnicas moleculares de deteccion de antigenos o ADN permitiran un diagnostico mucho mas rapido y fiable. Las tetraciclinas y las fluorquinolonas poseen excelente act…
Control of hypertension in patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease.
Background: Hypertension is a major cardiovascular risk factor, but knowledge about the real magnitude of the problem and its determinants is lacking. Aim: To assess control of hypertension and evaluate medical resource use, in patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease. Design: Multicentric cross-sectional study. Methods: We collected data for 2205 adult patients from 36 centres, representative of all regions of Spain. Patients had attended out-patient clinics from July 2002 to August 2003, had an absolute cardiovascular risk ⩾20% at 10 years (according to the Framingham guidelines), and had a diagnosis of hypertension. Pregnant and terminally ill patients were excluded. Results: Hype…
Fiebre de origen desconocido y anemia como forma de presentación de un rabdomiosarcoma
Describimos un caso de fiebre de origen desconocido, en su forma clasica de presentacion. Numerosos estudios diagnosticos llevados a cabo mostraron resultados no concluyentes, pero finalmente la tomografia de emision de protones/tomografia computarizada nos permitio llegar al diagnostico de rabdomiosarcoma de la region pelvica.
Fever of unknown origin and anaemia as a form of presentation of a rhabdomyosarcoma
Abstract We report a case of fever of unknown origin, in its classical presentation. A wide range of studies were unrevealing, but finally a positron emission tomography/computed tomography allowed us to establish the diagnosis of rhabdomyosarcoma in the pelvic region.