Sandro Wimberger

Generation of robust entangled states in a non-hermitian periodically driven two-band Bose-Hubbard system

A many-body Wannier-Stark system coupled to an effective reservoir is studied within a non-Hermitian approach in the presence of a periodic driving. We show how the interplay of dissipation and driving dynamically induces a subspace of states which are very robust against dissipation. We numerically probe the structure of these asymptotic states and their robustness to imperfections in the initial-state preparation and to the size of the system. Moreover, the asymptotic states are found to be strongly entangled making them interesting for further applications.

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Scale-free relaxation of a wave packet in a quantum well with power-law tails

We propose a setup for which a power-law decay is predicted to be observable for generic and realistic conditions. The system we study is very simple: A quantum wave packet initially prepared in a potential well with (i) tails asymptotically decaying like ~ x^{-2} and (ii) an eigenvalues spectrum that shows a continuous part attached to the ground or equilibrium state. We analytically derive the asymptotic decay law from the spectral properties for generic, confined initial states. Our findings are supported by realistic numerical simulations for state-of-the-art expansion experiments with cold atoms.

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A quantum random walk of a Bose-Einstein condensate in momentum space

Each step in a quantum random walk is typically understood to have two basic components: a ``coin toss'' which produces a random superposition of two states, and a displacement which moves each component of the superposition by different amounts. Here we suggest the realization of a walk in momentum space with a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate subject to a quantum ratchet realized with a pulsed, off-resonant optical lattice. By an appropriate choice of the lattice detuning, we show how the atomic momentum can be entangled with the internal spin states of the atoms. For the coin toss, we propose to use a microwave pulse to mix these internal states. We present experimental results showing an…

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Spectral analysis of two-dimensional Bose-Hubbard models

One-dimensional Bose-Hubbard models are well known to obey a transition from regular to quantum-chaotic spectral statistics. We are extending this concept to relatively simple two-dimensional many-body models. Also in two dimensions a transition from regular to chaotic spectral statistics is found and discussed. In particular, we analyze the dependence of the spectral properties on the bond number of the two-dimensional lattices and the applied boundary conditions. For maximal connectivity, the systems behave most regularly in agreement with the applicability of mean-field approaches in the limit of many nearest-neighbor couplings at each site.

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Initial state dependence of a quantum-resonance ratchet

We demonstrate quantum resonance ratchets created with Bose-Einstein condensates exposed to pulses of an off-resonant standing light wave. We show how some of the basic properties of the ratchets are controllable through the creation of different initial states of the system. In particular, our results prove that through an appropriate choice of initial state it is possible to reduce the extent to which the ratchet state changes with respect to time. We develop a simple theory to explain our results and indicate how ratchets might be used as part of a matter wave interferometer or quantum-random walk experiment.

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